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angular http:如何用自定义标题调用图像?

[英]angular http: how to call images with custom headers?

In the html view, images are displayed like this: 在html视图中,图像显示如下:

<img ng-src="{{element.image.url}}"> 

element.image.url points to an url like: /rest_api/img/12345678 . element.image.url指向一个URL: /rest_api/img/12345678

This is working fine , images are displayed. 这工作正常 ,显示图像。

Now, I add authentication: 现在,我添加身份验证:

Before the user is authenticated, every resources respond with an http error 401, images too. 在对用户进行身份验证之前,每个资源都会响应一个http错误401,图像也是如此。 When authentication succeeds, a token is placed in a custom headers and sent with every $http requests, allowing access the resources: 验证成功后,会将令牌放在自定义标头中,并与每个$ http请求一起发送,以允许访问资源:

$http.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = token; 

This is working fine for Json files loaded with $resource. 这适用于加载$ resource的Json文件。 But the direct links to the images are still 401 after authentication. 但是在认证之后,到图像的直接链接仍然是401。

How to call the images with custom headers? 如何使用自定义标题调用图像?

Or any advice on how I should do this. 或者关于我应该怎么做的任何建议。

As said here you can use angular-img-http-src ( bower install --save angular-img-http-src if you use Bower ). 如上所述你可以使用angular-img-http-srcbower install --save angular-img-http-src如果你使用Bower )。

If you look at the code , it uses URL.createObjectURL and URL.revokeObjectURL which are still draft on 19 April 2016. So look if your browser supports it . 如果您查看代码 ,它将使用URL.createObjectURLURL.revokeObjectURL ,它们仍然是2016年4月19日的草稿 。请查看您的浏览器是否支持它

In order to use it, declare 'angular.img' as a dependency to your app module ( angular.module('myapp', [..., 'angular.img']) ), and then in your HTML you can use http-src attribute for <img> tag. 为了使用它,声明'angular.img'作为你的app模块的依赖项( angular.module('myapp', [..., 'angular.img']) ),然后在你的HTML中你可以使用<img>标签的http-src属性。

In your example it would be: <img http-src="{{element.image.url}}"> 在您的示例中,它将是: <img http-src="{{element.image.url}}">

Of course, this implies that you have declared an interceptor using $httpProvider.interceptors.push to add your custom header or that you've set statically your header for every requests using $http.defaults.headers.common.MyHeader = 'some value'; 当然,这意味着您已使用$httpProvider.interceptors.push声明了一个拦截器来添加您的自定义标头,或者您使用$http.defaults.headers.common.MyHeader = 'some value';每个请求静态设置了标头$http.defaults.headers.common.MyHeader = 'some value';

There is a vary simple answer for that. 对此有一个不同的简单答案。 You should use: angular-img-http-src . 你应该使用: angular-img-http-src

Problem: 问题:

You used token based auth and you need to serve images from secured routes. 您使用基于令牌的身份验证,您需要提供来自安全路由的图像。

Solution: 解:

Use http-src instead of ng-src and it will fetch images using the $http service - meaning Authorization headers added via interceptors will be present - then build a Blob and set the src to an objectURL. 使用http-src而不是ng-src,它将使用$ http服务获取图像 - 意味着将通过拦截器添加授权标头 - 然后构建一个Blob并将src设置为objectURL。

It works perfectly on my project. 它完美地适用于我的项目。

I am facing the same problem. 我面临同样的问题。 The best solution I found is passing the Authorization token as a query parameter. 我发现的最佳解决方案是将Authorization令牌作为查询参数传递。

For example : 例如 :

<img src="http://myhost.com/image/path?accessToken=123456789" >

This way you can secure those images only for your REST consumers. 这样,您只能为REST使用者保护这些图像。

Consider the URL be http://foo.com/bar.png 考虑URL为http://foo.com/bar.png

In your controller, 在你的控制器中,

 angular.module('foo') .controller('fooCtrl', ['$sce', function($sce) { $scope.dataSrc = "http://foo.com/bar.png" $scope.src = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl($scope.dataSrc) } ]) 

And in your view, 在你看来,

 <img ng-src="{{src}}" /> 

.. seems to do the trick. ..似乎可以做到这一点。

As far as I know it's not possible to pass additional headers with asset requests (scripts, images, media, CSS files that the browser loads while rendering the page). 据我所知,不可能传递额外的标头包含资产请求(浏览器在渲染页面时加载的脚本,图像,媒体,CSS文件)。 That's all controlled by the browser. 这一切都由浏览器控制。 Only when making a XHR (AJAX) request can you modify headers. 只有在发出XHR(AJAX)请求时才能修改标头。

I would suggest looking at your server side authentication and seeing if there's a solution there. 我建议查看您的服务器端身份验证,看看是否有解决方案。

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