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[英]How do I check input variable validity from a Python extension?

I have a Python extension written in C++ that expects a bytearray as the first parameter. 我有一个用C ++编写的Python扩展,期望将bytearray作为第一个参数。 It works correctly but if I pass something else from Python like a string or a number, I get a segmentation fault. 它可以正常工作,但是如果我从Python传递其他内容(例如字符串或数字),则会出现分段错误。 How do I check if the input is really a bytearray and then raise an Exception if it's something else? 如何检查输入是否确实是字节数组,然后在其他情况下引发异常?

This should help: http://docs.python.org/2/faq/extending.html#id8 这应该会有所帮助: http : //docs.python.org/2/faq/extending.html#id8

To test the type of an object, first make sure it isn't NULL , and then use PyString_Check() , PyTuple_Check() , PyList_Check() , etc. 为了测试的对象的类型,首先要确保它不是NULL ,然后用PyString_Check() PyTuple_Check() PyList_Check()等等。

Specifically, it looks like you want this: http://docs.python.org/2/c-api/bytearray.html#type-check-macros 具体来说,您看起来像这样: http : //docs.python.org/2/c-api/bytearray.html#type-check-macros

int PyByteArray_Check(PyObject *o)

Return true if the object o is a bytearray object or an instance of a subtype of the bytearray type. 如果对象o是字节数组对象或字节数组类型的子类型的实例,则返回true。

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