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在C ++中接收寻址到255.255.255.255的广播数据包

[英]Receiving broadcast packet addressed to in C++

I have a device that is discovered by sending a broadcast packet to on port 4930 and the device responds by sending a packet back to on port 4930. 我有一个通过将广播数据包发送到端口4930上的255.255.255.255而发现的设备,并且该设备通过将数据包发送回端口4930上的255.255.255.255进行了发现。

I have a snippet of C++ code which can send a packet to on port 4930 (both source and destination port), but it can't receive a packet back from the broadcast address 我有一段C ++代码,可以将数据包发送到端口4930(源端口和目标端口)上的255.255.255.255,但它无法接收来自广播地址255.255.255.255的数据包。

I can see the device is working fine, wireshark can see the packets coming back and forth and the propriety software supplied with the device can discover the device just fine, the problem is with the C++ program so please keep on topic with your responses. 我可以看到设备运行良好,wireshark可以看到来回的数据包,并且设备随附的专有软件可以很好地发现设备,问题出在C ++程序上,所以请继续关注您的回答。

Now, as I have said I can send a packet just find, but firstly I can't bind to the IP address to receive the packets. 现在,正如我已经说过的,我可以发送一个仅找到的数据包,但是首先,我无法绑定到IP地址255.255.255.255来接收数据包。 I can change the multicast address to and the socket will bind but I need the address 我可以将多播地址更改为239.255.255.250,套接字将绑定,但我需要地址255.255.255.255。

My snippet of code is below, I am using VC++2010 我的代码段如下,我正在使用VC ++ 2010

bool CPTUProgramDlg::FindPTU(u_short port, const char * Destaddress){
        //Data to send
        char packet_data[10] = {0x44,0x43,0x55,0x44,0x5f,0x50,0x49,0x4e,0x47,0x00};
        int packet_size=10;

        SOCKET sock;
        struct sockaddr_in addr;

        sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);

        // set SO_BROADCAST on a socket to true (1): (so we can transmit to 255 addr)
        //In order to use broadcast the options of socket must change
        char broadcastON = 1;
        setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, &broadcastON, sizeof broadcastON);

        if (sock < 0)
            return false;

        addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
        addr.sin_port = htons(port);
        addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(Destaddress); // Specify dest IP

        sendto(sock, packet_data, packet_size, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr));

        if (bind(sock,(struct sockaddr*) &addr,sizeof(addr)) != -1){
            char Buff[512];


    return 1;

Wireshark screenshot to prove packets are being send: Wireshark屏幕截图可证明正在发送数据包:


From the wireshark output its seen that the special device is using broadcast to communicate and will use the same port number as source and destination. 从wireshark输出中可以看到,特殊设备正在使用广播进行通信,并将使用与源和目标相同的端口号。

Normal socket communication will require using matching port numbers but broadcast messages cannot be exchanged over the same socket, especially when the port numbers do not match as seen with wireshark. 正常的套接字通信将需要使用匹配的端口号,但是广播消息无法在同一套接字上交换,尤其是当端口号与wireshark不一致时。

Binding on ( INADDR_BROADCAST ) should generally work but may be limited by your OS privileges and permissions. 通常,可以在255.255.255.255( INADDR_BROADCAST )上进行绑定,但是可能会受到操作系统特权和权限的限制。

You may try to solve the problem by using two sockets - one for receiving and one for sending. 您可以尝试使用两个套接字来解决该问题-一个用于接收,另一个用于发送。 Of course the listening socket have to be setup first and bound to ( INADDR_ANY ) and port 4930. In this case there is no easy way to filter by destination address (as I wrongly written in my comment) because most standard socket APIs do not provide a way to get the destination addess from the socket. 当然,必须先设置监听套接字,并将其绑定到0.0.0.0( INADDR_ANY )和端口4930。在这种情况下,没有简单的方法可以按目标地址进行过滤(因为我在注释中写错了),因为大多数标准套接字API没有提供从套接字获取目标地址的方法。 On Linux there is an exception - IP_PKTINFO at SOL_IP ... 在Linux上有一个例外IP_PKTINFO上的SOL_IP ...

By using recvfrom you will get the source unicast address of the responding device(s). 通过使用recvfrom,您将获得响应设备的源单播地址。 You have to note that if you have more that one such device on your network you will get more than one response. 您必须注意,如果您的网络上有不止一个这样的设备,您将获得不止一个响应。

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