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[英]iPhone : Error in installing cocoapods into project

I have pod files that need to install for the sample project. 我有需要为示例项目安装的pod文件。 But once i fire pod install command into terminal i got following error: 但是一旦我在终端中启动pod install命令,我就会得到以下错误:

 [!] Pod::Executable pull

    A   AAShareBubbles/1.0.2/AAShareBubbles.podspec

    A   ABContactHelper/0.1/ABContactHelper.podspec

    A   ABPadLockScreen/3.0.0/ABPadLockScreen.podspec

    A   ABPadLockScreen/3.0.1/ABPadLockScreen.podspec

    A   ACReuseQueue/0.0.1/ACReuseQueue.podspec


    Pull is not possible because you have unmerged files.

    Please, fix them up in the work tree, and then use 'git add/rm <file>'

    as appropriate to mark resolution, or use 'git commit -a'.

**Can anyone guide me what is this about and how can i remove that.**

Check this thread . 检查此线程

They messed something up with cocoa pods recently, so you need to run the following commands: 他们最近弄乱了可可豆荚,所以您需要运行以下命令:

$ pod repo remove master
$ pod setup

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