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[英]Tomcat crashes while remote debugging

I want to remote debug a web application, When I try to debug it with the following command 我想远程调试Web应用程序,当我尝试使用以下命令对其进行调试时

>JPDA_OPTS: -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n

>catalina.bat jpda start

The application gets deployed, but as soon as I try to go to access it using http://localhost:8000/.... 该应用程序已部署,但是我尝试使用http://localhost:8000/....来访问它。

The tomcat just crashes! Tomcat刚崩溃! (See the snapshot below) (请参见下面的快照)


I am using windows 7, 64 bit OS, my tomcat 7 and java 6 are both 64 bit. 我正在使用Windows 7、64位操作系统,我的tomcat 7和Java 6都是64位。

Did anyone faced this kind of problem before? 有人遇到过这种问题吗? Any pointers to the problem would be appreciated. 任何指向该问题的指针将不胜感激。

The problem is a crash of you JVM on dt_socket.dll, it seems related to bug id 6713919 问题是dt_socket.dll上的JVM崩溃,似乎与错误ID 6713919有关

  • upgrade java 升级Java
  • access JWDP 8000 port 访问JWDP 8000端口
  • use HTTP on port 8080 在端口8080上使用HTTP

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