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[英]How to get handler(HWND) for dialog box

Hi I have created a dialog box and it woks.嗨,我创建了一个对话框,它可以工作。

My question is: how do you retreive the handle for it?我的问题是:你如何检索它的句柄?

Also, if you get the handle, how would you change the static text control text inside it?另外,如果您获得了句柄,您将如何更改其中的静态文本控件文本?

class CStatisticsDlg : public CDialogEx

// Dialog Data
    enum { IDD = IDD_STATISTICS };

    virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX);    // DDX/DDV support

// Implementation

CStatisticsDlg::CStatisticsDlg() : CDialogEx(CStatisticsDlg::IDD)

void CStatisticsDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CStatisticsDlg, CDialogEx)

Assuming you're using MFC (as indicated by the tag), then presumably you have a CDialog class instance.假设您正在使用 MFC(如标记所示),那么您大概有一个CDialog类实例。 CDialog is a subclass of CWnd , so you can retrieve the window handle by one of 3 ways: CDialogCWnd的子类,因此您可以通过以下三种方式之一检索窗口句柄:

Here is how to do it.这是如何做到的。 First create a member function to the main application class.首先为主应用程序类创建一个成员函数。 Then use the following code (Assuming the class name is CGenericApp , and your Dialog class is CGenericDlg .然后使用以下代码(假设类名是CGenericApp ,你的 Dialog 类是CGenericDlg

CWnd* CGenericApp::GetDlg()
    return m_pMainWnd;

Then when you want to get a handler to the main Dialog box, use:然后,当您想获得主对话框的处理程序时,请使用:

CGenericApp* app = (CGenericApp*)AfxGetApp();
CGenericDlg* pDlg = (CGenericDlg*)(app->GetDlg());
HWND win = pDlg->GetSafeHwnd();

'win' will hold the HWND you are looking for. 'win' 将保存您正在寻找的 HWND。

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