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[英]Applying AND condition on one field grails domain

In Grails, I have two domain classes having many to many relationship 在Grails中,我有两个具有多对多关系的领域类

class VisitingUser
  String name
  static hasMany = [visitedCountries:VisitedCountry]
  static belongsTo = VisitedCountry

class VisitedCountry
  String countryName
  static hasmany=[users:VisitingUser]

I want all those users who visited country "india" AND "usa" both. 我想要所有访问过“印度”和“美国”两个国家的用户。

Currently I am solving this problem by getting two list of visitingUsers, one for "india" and other for "usa" and then putting them in a Set. 目前,我正在解决此问题,方法是获取两个visitorUsers列表,一个用于“印度”,另一个用于“美国”,然后将它们放在集合中。

I want a solution with using createCriteria or dynamic finder. 我想要使​​用createCriteria或动态查找器的解决方案。

I don't think this is possible with a criteria query, and it's definitely not possible with a dynamic finder. 我认为使用条件查询是不可能的,而使用动态查找程序绝对不可能。 Here's a solution with HQL though: 这是HQL的解决方案:

select distinct u from VisitingUser u where
u in (
   select u from VisitingUser u join u.visitedCountries country where country.countryName = 'usa'
and u in (
   select u from VisitingUser u join u.visitedCountries country where country.countryName = 'india'

Two unrelated things - VisitedCountries should be called VisitedCountry (although the set name visitedCountries makes sense because it will potentially have multiple elements), and the relationship should be many-to-many. 两个不相关的事物- VisitedCountries应该叫VisitedCountry (虽然集名称visitedCountries是有道理的,因为这将有可能有多个元素),和的关系应该是多到很多。

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