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ExecutorService-如何在Runnable / Callable中设置值并重用

[英]ExecutorService - How to set values in a Runnable/Callable and reuse

I want to use the ExecutorService to run a series of the same Runnable/Callable tasks. 我想使用ExecutorService运行一系列相同的Runnable / Callable任务。 I've searched around for a tutorial or an example, but nothing that involves actually setting the value of an existing Runnable/Callable object and then using submit() to send that object back into the ExecutorService. 我到处搜索了教程或示例,但没有涉及实际设置现有Runnable / Callable对象的值,然后使用Submit()将对象发送回ExecutorService的内容。

Basically, here's what I want to do: 基本上,这就是我想要做的:

  • Get a list of servers. 获取服务器列表。
  • Iterate thru the list of servers, calling InetAddress.getByName(host) to grab data on each host. 遍历服务器列表,调用InetAddress.getByName(host)以获取每个主机上的数据。
  • Collect that data into Server beans for storage in a database. 将该数据收集到Server Bean中以存储在数据库中。

So, right now, with 10,000(+) servers, it takes forever. 因此,现在,如果有10,000(+)个服务器,那将永远花光。 So, my thought was to use the ExecutorService to manage a pool of threads. 因此,我的想法是使用ExecutorService管理线程池。 What I can't seem to figure out is how to detect when one thread is finished so I can grab the data. 我似乎无法弄清楚的是如何检测一个线程何时结束,以便我可以获取数据。 Then I need to get the next server in the list, place it into the Task and then submit() back to the ExecutorService. 然后,我需要获取列表中的下一个服务器,将其放入Task中,然后将commit()返回到ExecutorService。

That said, what I've read so far seems to point to the following, ExecutorService, submit(), Callable, Future. 也就是说,到目前为止,我所读的内容似乎指向以下内容:ExecutorService,submit(),Callable,Future。

So, as a psuedo-process: 因此,作为伪过程:

  • Get list of servers. 获取服务器列表。
  • Set up ExecutorService with numThreads number of threads 使用numThreads个线程数设置ExecutorService
  • Iterate numThreads and create numThreads WorkerTask() objects. 迭代numThreads并创建numThreads WorkerTask()对象。
  • Submit() WorkerTask() to ExecutorService for processing. Submit()WorkerTask()到ExecutorService进行处理。
  • Detect when a WorkerTask() has finished, grab the Callable (Future) result. 检测到WorkerTask()完成时,获取Callable(Future)结果。
  • Get the next server. 获取下一个服务器。
  • Set the server value into the WorkerTask() <-- How? 将服务器值设置到WorkerTask()<-怎么做? This is elusive ... 这难以捉摸...
  • Submit() the WorkerTask() (with the new value) back to the ExecutorService. 将拥有新值的WorkerTask()提交回ExecutorService。
  • Iterate again. 再次迭代。
  • ExecutorService.shutdown()... ExecutorService.shutdown()...

So, a tutorial or example of this would be great...especially an example of placing a new value into a WorkerTask(). 因此,这方面的教程或示例将非常有用...尤其是将新值放入WorkerTask()的示例。 Also, I'd appreciate any thoughts on this proposed solution? 另外,我希望对这个提议的解决方案有什么想法? Is this bad, good, or if there is another way, I'm open. 这是好事还是好事,或者如果我有其他选择,我很开放。

02/09/2014 - Edit and Add 2014年2月9日-编辑并添加

Hi, So the following is a first cut at this. 嗨,因此,以下是第一个切入点。 But to answer some question being posed: 但是要回答一些提出的问题:
- I've solved the issue of placing new data in a Worker and resubmitting to the ExecutorService...see the code snippet. -我已经解决了将新数据放入Worker并重新提交给ExecutorService的问题...请参见代码段。
- I've also solved the issue of "get the stuff"...I simply cast the Future() results to the Worker class...see the code snippet. -我也解决了“拿东西”的问题...我只是将Future()结果强制转换为Worker类...请参见代码段。
- Finally, while I could just allocate every server to a Worker() and a Future(), I'm concerned that the current 10,000 will grow and memory will become an issue. -最后,虽然我可以将每个服务器分配给Worker()和Future(),但我担心当前的10,000个服务器会增长,并且内存将成为问题。

That said, here's a first attempt, and this works pretty well. 就是说,这是第一次尝试,并且效果很好。 Runs much faster and only uses the getNumbnerThreads() Worker and Future objects: 运行速度更快,并且仅使用getNumbnerThreads()Worker和Future对象:

public List<ServerBean> lookupHostIps ( List<ServerBean> theServerList ) {
    //ServerBean                      serverDto   = null;
    ServerBean                      ipDto       = null;
    List<ServerBean>                theResults  = new ArrayList<ServerBean>();
    List<HostLookupWorker>          theWorkers  = new ArrayList<HostLookupWorker>( getNumberThreads() );
    List<Future<HostLookupWorker>>  theFutures  = new ArrayList<Future<HostLookupWorker>>( getNumberThreads() );

    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool ( getNumberThreads() );

    // WORKERS : Create the workers...prime them with a server
    // bean...
    for (int j = 0; j < getNumberThreads(); j++) {
    //for (int j = 0; j < theServerList.size(); j++) {
        theWorkers.add ( new HostLookupWorker( theServerList.get(j) ) );
        Future<HostLookupWorker> theFuture = executor.submit ( theWorkers.get ( j ) );
        theFutures.add ( j, theFuture );

    int     lloopItems = getNumberThreads();     /* loops thru all servers   */
    //int     lloopThreads = 0;   /* loops thru threads       */
    int     lidxThread = 0;     /* what thread is ready     */
    //int     lidxFuture = 0;     /* what future is ready     */
    boolean lblnNext = false;   /* is a thread done/ready   */
    int lidxWorkers = 0;        /* tracks the futures       */
    while ( lloopItems < theServerList.size() ) {
        // READY : Is one of the threads ready for more work?
        if ( lblnNext ) {
            // VALUE : Grab the thread by index and set the next
            // server value.
            theWorkers.get ( lidxThread ).setBean ( theServerList.get(lloopItems) );
            getLog().debug ( "Thread [" + lidxThread + "] Assigned Host ["+theServerList.get(lloopItems).getServerName ()+"] " );
            // FUTURE : Package a new Future<HostLookupWorker> 
            // and submit it to the thread pool.
            Future<HostLookupWorker> theFuture = executor.submit ( theWorkers.get ( lidxThread ) );
            theFutures.add ( lidxThread, theFuture );
            lblnNext = false;   /* reset to allow for another thread    */
            lloopItems++;       /* increment the main loop counter       */

        while ( !(lblnNext) ) {
            try { 
                if ( theFutures.get(lidxWorkers).get() != null ) {
                    // GET THE STUFF : Grab the results from the Future...
                    HostLookupWorker    ltheItem = theFutures.get(lidxWorkers).get();
                    if ( ltheItem.getValue () != null ) { 
                        if (!ltheItem.getValue ().contains("Cannot find host")){
                            ipDto = new ServerBean ();
                            ipDto.setServerId   ( ltheItem.getBean ().getServerId()   );
                            ipDto.setServerName ( ltheItem.getBean ().getServerName() );
                            ipDto.setIpAddress  ( ltheItem.getValue ()      );

                        lidxThread = lidxWorkers;   /* this thread is ready for more work   */
                        lblnNext = true;            /* flag the upper condition to assign new work  */
                        getLog().debug ( "Thread [" + lidxThread + "] Host ["+ltheItem.getHost ()+"] has IP ["+ltheItem.getValue()+"]" );
                else { 
                    getLog().debug ( "Thread [" + lidxThread + "] NULL" );

                lidxWorkers++;  /* next worker/future   */

                if ( lidxWorkers >= getNumberThreads() ) {
                    lidxWorkers = 0;

            catch(ExecutionException e){  
                getLog().error ( e );
            catch(InterruptedException e){
                getLog().error ( e );


    executor.shutdown ();

    return theResults;

Here's the Worker/Thread class : 这是Worker / Thread类:

import java.net.*;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;

import com.lmig.cdbatch.dto.ServerBean;

public class HostLookupWorker implements Callable {

    private InetAddress node = null;
    private String      value = null;
    private boolean     busy = false;
    private ServerBean  bean    = null;

    public  HostLookupWorker () {
        this.busy = false;

//    public  HostLookupWorker ( String theHost ) {
//        this.busy = false;
//        this.host = theHost;
//    }

    public  HostLookupWorker ( ServerBean theItem ) {
        this.busy = false;
        this.bean = theItem;
        //this.host = theItem.getServerName ().trim ();

    public String lookup ( String host ) {

        if ( host != null ) { 
            // get the bytes of the IP address
            try {
                this.node = InetAddress.getByName ( host );
            catch ( UnknownHostException ex ) {
                this.value = "Not Found [" + getHost() + "]";
                return "Not Found [" + host + "]";

            if ( isHostname(host) ) {
                getBean().setIpAddress ( node.getHostAddress() );
                return node.getHostAddress();
            else { // this is an IP address
                //return node.getHostName();
                return host;
        return host;

    } // end lookup

    public boolean isHostname(String host) {

        // Is this an IPv6 address?
        if (host.indexOf(':') != -1)
            return false;

        char[] ca = host.toCharArray();
        // if we see a character that is neither a digit nor a period
        // then host is probably a hostname
        for (int i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {
            if (!Character.isDigit(ca[i])) {
                if (ca[i] != '.')
                    return true;

        // Everything was either a digit or a period
        // so host looks like an IPv4 address in dotted quad format
        return false;
    } // end isHostName

//    public void run() {
//        value = lookup ( getHost() );
//    }

    public Object call() throws Exception {
        Thread.sleep ( 10000 );
        this.busy = true;
        this.value = lookup ( getHost() );
        this.busy = false;
        return this;

    public String getHost() {
        return getBean().getServerName ().trim ();

    public void setHost(String host) {
        getBean().setServerName ( host.trim () );

    public InetAddress getNode() {
        return node;

    public void setNode(InetAddress node) {
        this.node = node;

    public String getValue() {
        return value;

    public void setValue(String value) {
        this.value = value;

    public boolean isBusy() {
        return busy;

    public void setBusy(boolean busy) {
        this.busy = busy;

    public ServerBean getBean() {
        return bean;

    public void setBean(ServerBean bean) {
        this.bean = bean;


So, to summarize: 因此,总结一下:
- The process does work, and works fast. -该过程确实有效,并且工作迅速。
- I need to fix the code a little, as there are getNumberThreads() - 1 Futures left unprocessed when the larger while () loop finally finishes... -我需要修复代码,因为有getNumberThreads()-1当更大的while()循环最终结束时,未处理的期货...

So, what I'm struggling with now is how to detect when a thread is finished...I've seen multiple examples, one testing for Future() != null, others testing for Future() == null. 所以,我现在正在努力的是如何检测线程何时完成...我已经看到了多个示例,一个示例测试Future()!= null,另一个示例测试Future()== null。 So which one is right? 那么哪一个是对的?

我认为在这种情况下,最好的办法是为每个服务器创建一个任务,因为它们将由拉中的线程执行,然后使用tge future对象检索任务返回的服务器信息。

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