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[英]How to access ko.computed method of an observablearray in knockout js

self.work_days = ko.observableArray();

self.work_days().push(new WorkDayVM({}, new_date))//new_date is the date supplied from the form 

function WorkDayVM(data, day) {
   var self = this;
   self.in_time1 = ko.observable();
   self.out_time1 = ko.observable();
   self.in_time2 = ko.observable();
   self.out_time2 = ko.observable();
   self.work_time = ko.computed(function () {
     var in_time1_raw = self.in_time1();
     var out_time1_raw = self.out_time1();
     var in_time2_raw = self.in_time2();
     var out_time2_raw = self.out_time2();

     if(!in_time1_raw || !out_time1_raw || !in_time2_raw || !out_time2_raw)
     var t1 = get_minutes(in_time1_raw);
     var t2 = get_minutes(out_time1_raw);
     var t3 = get_minutes(in_time2_raw);
     var t4 = get_minutes(out_time2_raw);
     res = t2 - t1 + t4 - t3;
     return get_hr_m(res);//returns hr:min
  }, this);
console.log(self.work_days()[0].work_time); //prints dependentobservable()
console.log(self.work_days()[0].work_time());//prints undefined

I want to get work_time value. 我想获取work_time值。 How to access that value ? 如何获得该价值?

You are already accessing the work_time value correctly. 您已经在正确访问work_time值。

console.log(self.work_days()[0].work_time()); // prints undefined

The problem is in your WorkDayVM object. 问题出在您的WorkDayVM对象中。 It's not storing any data. 它不存储任何数据。 Your computed observable depends on a number of observables being filled with values, and if they aren't, it returns (undefined). 您计算出的可观察值取决于大量可观察值是否填充了值,如果没有,则返回(未定义)。 There is nothing in your code that uses the incoming parameters data and new_date , so the observables your computed relies on are never filled. 您的代码中没有任何东西使用传入参数datanew_date ,因此永远不会填充您计算所依赖的可观察对象。

If you actually use the parameters coming into the WorkDayVM constructor to fill the observables in_time1, in_time2, out_time1 and out_time2, you will see that your console logs something else than undefined, and is actually working. 如果您实际使用WorkDayVM构造函数中的参数来填充可观察值in_time1,in_time2,out_time1和out_time2,则您会看到控制台记录了除未定义的内容之外的其他内容,并且它确实在工作。

In either case, I would change the return-statement in your computed observable to return something meaningful, if only null . 无论哪种情况,我都将更改您所计算的observable中的return语句,以返回有意义的内容(如果仅为null Returning nothing from a computed observable is kind of bad practise, if you ask me. 如果您问我,从可计算的可观察值中不返回任何内容是一种不好的做法。

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