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用C ++写入文件

[英]Writing to a file in C++

I'm trying to make a program that will get the user input of a new file name, create the file, and write to it. 我正在尝试制作一个程序,该程序将获取用户输入的新文件名,创建文件并将其写入。 It works but it will only write the first word of the string to the file. 它可以工作,但是只会将字符串的第一个单词写入文件。 How can i get it to write the full string? 我怎样才能写出完整的字符串? thanks. 谢谢。

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main()
for (;;)
     char  *myFile = " "; 
     string f = " ";
     string w = " ";
     cout <<"What is the name of the file you would like to write to? " <<endl;
     cin >>f;
     ofstream myStream(f,ios_base::ate|ios_base::out);

     cout <<"What would you like to write to " <<f <<" ? ";
     cin >>w;

     myStream <<w;

  if (myStream.bad())
     myStream <<"A serious error has occured.";


According to this post , you should consult this reference to use a method like getline(). 根据这篇文章 ,您应该查阅此参考资料以使用类似getline()的方法。

Also, when you are writing out I recommend that you flush the output (cout.flush()) before ending the program, especially in this case, since I presume you are ending the program with a ctrl-C break. 另外,在进行写操作时,我建议您在结束程序之前刷新输出(cout.flush()),尤其是在这种情况下,因为我认为您正在以ctrl-C中断结束程序。

In formulating a suggestion, I will read data into char*, and convert them to "string" in case you will use them elsewhere in your program. 在提出建议时,我将数据读入char *,并将它们转换为“字符串”,以防您在程序中的其他地方使用它们。

I tested this code in MS Visual C++ Express. 我在MS Visual C ++ Express中测试了此代码。

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main()
    for (;;)
        char  *myFile = new char[200]; // modified this line

        //added this line
        char *myInput = new char[200];

        string f = " ";
        string w = " ";
        cout << "What is the name of the file you would like to write to? " << endl;
        cin.getline(myFile, 200);//modified this line
        f = (myFile);//added this line
        cin.clear(); //added this line
        ofstream myStream(f, ios_base::ate | ios_base::out);

        cout << "What would you like to write to " << f << " ? ";

        cin.getline(myInput, 200);//edited this line

        w = string(myInput);//added this line

        myStream << w;
        myStream.flush();//added this line

        if (myStream.bad())
            myStream << "A serious error has occured.";

        delete myFile;
        delete myInput;


You have to use std::getline() to read the entire line: 您必须使用std::getline()读取整行:

std::getline(std::cin >> std::ws, w);

The >> std::ws part gets rid of leading whitespace which is needed because the newline left in the stream from the previous extraction will prevent std::getline() from fully consuming the input. >> std::ws部分摆脱了前导空格,这是必需的,因为前一次提取在流中留下的换行符将阻止std::getline()完全占用输入。

When inserting data into the stream you need to make sure it gets flushed (because, as the other answer said, you're probably using Ctrl+C to terminate the program and you may not see output during the program run). 在将数据插入流中时,需要确保将其刷新(因为正如另一个答案所说,您可能正在使用Ctrl + C终止程序,并且在程序运行期间可能看不到输出)。 You can use the std::flush manipulator to flush the output: 您可以使用std::flush操纵器刷新输出:

myStream << w << std::flush;

cin<<w; cin would stop consuming input character when it encounter whitespace tab and other unseeable characters. 如果cin遇到空白标签和其他看不见的字符,它将停止使用输入字符。

you should probably use std::getline() instead. 您可能应该改用std::getline() take a look at this page for ref. 看看这个页面的参考。 http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/string/basic_string/getline http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/string/basic_string/getline

Or you can use manipulator to not skip whitespace. 或者,您可以使用操纵器不跳过空格。

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