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[英]How to send multiple asynchronous requests to different web services?

I need to send multiple requests to many different web services and receive the results. 我需要向多个不同的Web服务发送多个请求并接收结果。 The problem is that, if I send the requests one by one it takes so long as I need to send and process all individually. 问题是,如果我逐个发送请求,只要我需要单独发送和处理所有请求。

I am wondering how I can send all the requests at once and receive the results. 我想知道如何立即发送所有请求并收到结果。

As the following code shows, I have three major methods and each has its own sub methods. 如下面的代码所示,我有三个主要方法,每个方法都有自己的子方法。 Each sub method sends request to its associated web service and receive the results;therefore, for example, to receive the results of web service 9 I have to wait till all web services from 1 to 8 get completed, it takes a long time to send all the requests one by one and receive their results. 每个子方法向其关联的Web服务发送请求并接收结果;因此,例如,为了接收Web服务9的结果,我必须等到1到8的所有Web服务都完成,这需要很长时间才能发送所有请求一个接一个,并收到他们的结果。

As shown below none of the methods nor sub-methods are related to each other, so I can call them all and receive their results in any order, the only thing which is important is to receive the results of each sub-method and populate their associated lists. 如下所示,没有任何方法或子方法彼此相关,所以我可以将它们全部调用并以任何顺序接收它们的结果,唯一重要的是接收每个子方法的结果并填充它们相关列表。

private List<StudentsResults> studentsResults = new ArrayList();
private List<DoctorsResults> doctorsResults = new ArrayList();
private List<PatientsResults> patientsResults = new ArrayList();

main (){




    this.studentsResults = retrieveStdWS1();   //send request to Web Service 1 to receive its  list of students
    this.studentsResults = retrieveStdWS2();  //send request to Web Service 2 to receive its  list of students
    this.studentsResults = retrieveStdWS3(); //send request to Web Service 3 to receive its  list of students



   this.doctorsResults = retrieveDocWS4();   //send request to Web Service 4 to receive its list of doctors
   this.doctorsResults = retrieveDocWS5();  //send request to Web Service 5 to receive its  list of doctors
   this.doctorsResults = retrieveDocWS6(); //send request to Web Service 6 to receive its  list of doctors



   this.patientsResults = retrievePtWS7();   //send request to Web Service 7 to receive its list of patients
   this.patientsResults = retrievePtWS8();  //send request to Web Service 8 to receive its list of patients
   this.patientsResults = retrievePtWS9(); //send request to Web Service 9 to receive its list of patients


That is a simple fork-join approach, but for clarity, you can start any number of threads and retrieve the results later as they are available, such as this approach. 这是一种简单的fork-join方法,但为了清楚起见,您可以启动任意数量的线程并在以后检查结果,例如此方法。

    ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);
    List<Callable<String>> tasks = new ArrayList<>();
    tasks.add(new Callable<String>() {
        public String call() throws Exception {
            Thread.sleep((new Random().nextInt(5000)) + 500);
            return "Hello world";

    List<Future<String>> results = pool.invokeAll(tasks);

    for (Future<String> future : results) {


Here's a verbose, but workable solution. 这是一个冗长但可行的解决方案。 I wrote it ad hoc, and have not compiled it. 我是专门写的,并没有编译它。 Given the three lists have diffent types, and the WS methods are individual, it is not really modular, but try to use your best programming skills and see if you can modularize it a bit better. 鉴于三个列表具有不同的类型,并且WS方法是个体的,它不是真正的模块化,而是尝试使用您最好的编程技能,看看您是否可以更好地模块化它。

    ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);

    List<Callable<List<StudentsResults>>> stasks = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Callable<List<DoctorsResults>>> dtasks = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Callable<List<PatientsResults>>> ptasks = new ArrayList<>();

    stasks.add(new Callable<List<StudentsResults>>() {
        public List<StudentsResults> call() throws Exception {
            return retrieveStdWS1();

    stasks.add(new Callable<List<StudentsResults>>() {
        public List<StudentsResults> call() throws Exception {
            return retrieveStdWS2();

    stasks.add(new Callable<List<StudentsResults>>() {
        public List<StudentsResults> call() throws Exception {
            return retrieveStdWS3();


    dtasks.add(new Callable<List<DoctorsResults>>() {
        public List<DoctorsResults> call() throws Exception {
            return retrieveDocWS4();

    dtasks.add(new Callable<List<DoctorsResults>>() {
        public List<DoctorsResults> call() throws Exception {
            return retrieveDocWS5();

    dtasks.add(new Callable<List<DoctorsResults>>() {
        public List<DoctorsResults> call() throws Exception {
            return retrieveDocWS6();


    ptasks.add(new Callable<List<PatientsResults>>() {
        public List<PatientsResults> call() throws Exception {
            return retrievePtWS7();

    ptasks.add(new Callable<List<PatientsResults>>() {
        public List<PatientsResults> call() throws Exception {
            return retrievePtWS8();

    ptasks.add(new Callable<List<PatientsResults>>() {
        public List<PatientsResults> call() throws Exception {
            return retrievePtWS9();


    List<Future<List<StudentsResults>>> sresults = pool.invokeAll(stasks);
    List<Future<List<DoctorsResults>>> dresults = pool.invokeAll(dtasks);
    List<Future<List<PatientsResults>>> presults = pool.invokeAll(ptasks);

    for (Future<List<StudentsResults>> future : sresults) {
    for (Future<List<DoctorsResults>> future : dresults) {
    for (Future<List<PatientsResults>> future : presults) {

Each Callable returns a list of results, and is called in its own separate thread. 每个Callable返回一个结果列表,并在其自己的单独线程中调用。
When you invoke the Future.get() method you get the result back onto the main thread. 当您调用Future.get()方法时,您将结果返回到主线程。
The result is NOT available until the Callable have finished, hence there is no concurrency issues. Callable完成之前,结果不可用,因此没有并发问题。

So just for fun I am providing two working examples. 所以,为了好玩,我提供了两个工作示例。 The first one shows the old school way of doing this before java 1.5. 第一个显示了在java 1.5之前执行此操作的旧学校方法。 The second shows a much cleaner way using tools available within java 1.5: 第二个显示了使用java 1.5中提供的工具更清晰的方式:

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class ThreadingExample
    private ArrayList <MyThread> myThreads;

    public static class MyRunnable implements Runnable
        private String data;

        public String getData()
            return data;

        public void setData(String data)
            this.data = data;

        public void run()

    public static class MyThread extends Thread
        private MyRunnable myRunnable;

        MyThread(MyRunnable runnable)

         * @return the myRunnable
        public MyRunnable getMyRunnable()
            return myRunnable;

         * @param myRunnable the myRunnable to set
        public void setMyRunnable(MyRunnable myRunnable)
            this.myRunnable = myRunnable;

    public ThreadingExample()
        myThreads = new ArrayList <MyThread> ();

    public ArrayList <String> retrieveMyData ()
        ArrayList <String> allmyData = new ArrayList <String> ();

        if (isComplete() == false)
            // Sadly we aren't done
            return (null);

        for (MyThread myThread : myThreads)

        return (allmyData);

    private boolean isComplete()
        boolean complete = true;

        // wait for all of them to finish
        for (MyThread x : myThreads)
            if (x.isAlive())
                complete = false;
        return (complete);

    public void kickOffQueries()

        MyThread a = new MyThread(new MyRunnable()
            public void run()
                // This is where you make the call to external services
                // giving the results to setData("");
                setData("Data from list A");

        MyThread b = new MyThread (new MyRunnable()
            public void run()
                // This is where you make the call to external services
                // giving the results to setData("");
                setData("Data from list B");

        for (MyThread x : myThreads)

        boolean done = false;

        while (done == false)
            if (isComplete())
                done = true;
                // Sleep for 10 milliseconds
                catch (InterruptedException e)

    public static void main(String [] args)
        ThreadingExample example = new ThreadingExample();

        ArrayList <String> data = example.retrieveMyData();
        if (data != null)
            for (String s : data)
                System.out.println (s);

This is the much simpler working version: 这是更简单的工作版本:

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;

public class ThreadingExample

    public static void main(String [] args)
        ExecutorService service = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
        Set <Callable<String>> callables = new HashSet <Callable<String>> ();

        callables.add(new Callable<String>()
            public String call() throws Exception
                return "This is where I make the call to web service A, and put its results here";

        callables.add(new Callable<String>()
            public String call() throws Exception
                return "This is where I make the call to web service B, and put its results here";

        callables.add(new Callable<String>()
            public String call() throws Exception
                return "This is where I make the call to web service C, and put its results here";

            List<Future<String>> futures = service.invokeAll(callables);
            for (Future<String> future : futures)
                System.out.println (future.get());
        catch (InterruptedException e)
        catch (ExecutionException e)

Looking at the problem, you need to integrate your application with 10+ different webservices.While making all the calls asynchronous. 看看这个问题,您需要将您的应用程序与10多个不同的webservices集成。同时使所有调用异步。 This can be done easily with Apache Camel. 这可以通过Apache Camel轻松完成。 It is a prominent framework for enterprise integration and also supports async processing. 它是企业集成的重要框架,也支持异步处理。 You can use its CXF component for calling webservices and its routing engine for invocation and processing results. 您可以使用其CXF组件调用Web服务及其路由引擎以调用和处理结果。 Look at the following page regarding camel's async routing capability. 看看下面的页面关于骆驼的异步路由能力。 They have also provided a complete example invoking webservices async using CXF, it available at its maven repo . 他们还提供了一个完整的示例,使用CXF调用webservices异步,它可以在maven repo上找到 Also see the following page for more details. 有关详细信息,另请参阅以下页面

You might consider the following paradigm in which you create work (serially), but the actual work is done in parallel. 您可以考虑以下创建工作的范例(按顺序),但实际工作是并行完成的。 One way to do this is to: 1) have your "main" create a queue of work items; 一种方法是:1)让你的“主”创建一个工作项队列; 2) create a "doWork" object that queries the queue for work to do; 2)创建一个“doWork”对象,查询队列中要做的工作; 3) have "main" start some number of "doWork" threads (can be same number as number of different services, or a smaller number); 3)让“main”启动一些“doWork”线程(可以是与不同服务的数量相同的数字,或者更小的数字); have the "doWork" objects put add their results to an object list (whatever construct works Vector, list...). 让“doWork”对象把它们的结果添加到一个对象列表(无论构造工作Vector,列表......)。

Each "doWork" object would mark their queue item complete, put all results in the passed container and check for new work (if no more on the queue, it would sleep and try again). 每个“doWork”对象都会标记其队列项完成,将所有结果放入传递的容器中并检查新工作(如果队列中没有更多,则会睡眠并再次尝试)。

Of course you will want to see how well you can construct your class model. 当然,您将希望了解如何构建类模型。 If each of the webservices is quite different for parsing, then you may want to create an Interface that each of your "retrieveinfo" classes promises to implement. 如果每个Web服务在解析方面完全不同,那么您可能希望创建一个每个“retrieveinfo”类都承诺实现的接口。

You can ask your jax-ws implementation to generate asynchronous bindings for the web service. 您可以要求您的jax-ws实现为Web服务生成异步绑定。

This has two advantages that I can see: 这有两个我可以看到的优点:

  1. As discussed in Asynchronous web services calls with JAX-WS: Use wsimport support for asynchrony or roll my own? 正如在使用JAX-WS的异步Web服务调用中所讨论的:使用wsimport支持异步或滚动我自己的? , jax-ws will generate well-tested (and possibly fancier) code for you, you need not instantiate the ExecutorService yourself. jax-ws将为您生成经过良好测试的(并且可能更高级的)代码,您无需自己实例化ExecutorService。 So less work for you! 所以你的工作少了! (but also less control over the threading implementation details) (但对线程实现细节的控制也较少)
  2. The generated bindings include a method where you specify a callback handler, which may suit your needs better than synchronously get() ting all response lists on the thread calling retrieveAllLists() . 生成的绑定包括一个方法,您可以在其中指定一个回调处理程序,它可以更好地满足您的需要,而不是同步get()调用调用retrieveAllLists()的线程上的所有响应列表。 It allows for per-service-call error handling and will process the results in parallel, which is nice if processing is non-trivial. 它允许每服务调用错误处理,并将并行处理结果,如果处理非常重要,这是很好的。

An example for Metro can be found on the Metro site . 可以在Metro站点上找到Metro的示例。 Note the contents of the custom bindings file custom-client.xml : 请注意自定义绑定文件custom-client.xml的内容

<bindings ...>    
    <bindings node="wsdl:definitions">

When you specify this bindings file to wsimport , it'll generate a client which returns an object that implements javax.xml.ws.Response<T> . 当您将此绑定文件指定给wsimport ,它将生成一个客户端,该客户端返回一个实现javax.xml.ws.Response<T>的对象。 Response extends the Future interface that others also suggest you use when rolling your own implementation. Response扩展了Future界面,其他人也建议您在滚动自己的实现时使用。

So, unsurprisingly, if you go without the callbacks, the code will look similar to the other answers: 所以,不出所料,如果你没有回调,代码将看起来与其他答案类似:

public void retrieveAllLists() throws ExecutionException{
    // first fire all requests
    Response<List<StudentsResults>> students1 = ws1.getStudents();
    Response<List<StudentsResults>> students2 = ws2.getStudents();
    Response<List<StudentsResults>> students3 = ws3.getStudents();

    Response<List<DoctorsResults>> doctors1 = ws4.getDoctors();
    Response<List<DoctorsResults>> doctors2 = ws5.getDoctors();
    Response<List<DoctorsResults>> doctors3 = ws6.getDoctors();

    Response<List<PatientsResults>> patients1 = ws7.getPatients();
    Response<List<PatientsResults>> patients2 = ws8.getPatients();
    Response<List<PatientsResults>> patients3 = ws9.getPatients();

    // then await and collect all the responses



If you create callback handers such as 如果你创建回调手,如

private class StudentsCallbackHandler 
            implements AsyncHandler<Response<List<StudentsResults>>> {
    public void handleResponse(List<StudentsResults> response) {
        try {
        } catch (ExecutionException e) {
            errors.add(new CustomError("Failed to retrieve Students.", e.getCause()));
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            log.error("Interrupted", e);

you can use them like this: 你可以像这样使用它们:

public void retrieveAllLists() {
    List<Future<?>> responses = new ArrayList<Future<?>>();
    // fire all requests, specifying callback handlers
    responses.add(ws1.getStudents(new StudentsCallbackHandler()));
    responses.add(ws2.getStudents(new StudentsCallbackHandler()));
    responses.add(ws3.getStudents(new StudentsCallbackHandler()));


    // await completion 
    for( Future<?> response: responses ) {

    // or do some other work, and poll response.isDone()

Note that the studentResults collection needs to be thread safe now, since results will get added concurrently! 请注意,studentResults集合现在需要是线程安全的,因为结果将同时添加!

It has got various option to develop this. 它有各种各样的选择来开发它。

  1. JMS : quality of service and management, eg redelivery attempt, dead message queue, load management, scalability, clustering, monitoring, etc. JMS:服务质量和管理,例如重新传递尝试,死信息队列,负载管理,可扩展性,集群,监控等。
  2. Simply using the Observer pattern for this. 只需使用Observer模式即可。 For more details OODesign and How to solve produce and consumer follow this Kodelog ** 有关详细信息OODesign以及如何解决产品和消费者关注此Kodelog **

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