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包 org.apache.commons.io 不存在错误

[英]package org.apache.commons.io does not exist error

I am compiling a .java file using ant compiler.我正在使用 ant 编译器编译一个 .java 文件。 I am getting the following errror "package org.apache.commons.io does not exist error"我收到以下错误“包 org.apache.commons.io 不存在错误”

I downloaded the apache Commons IO binaries and pasted the .jar files in "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.7.0_51\\lib\\missioncontrol\\plugins "我下载了 apache Commons IO 二进制文件并将 .jar 文件粘贴到“C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.7.0_51\\lib\\missioncontrol\\plugins”

Any help.任何帮助。 Do I need to modify the classpath of my build xml file?我需要修改我的构建 xml 文件的类路径吗?

<target name="compile" description="Compile source code">
<mkdir dir="${build.dir}/classes"/>
 <javac includeantruntime="false"
  <include name="**/*.java"/>
  <exclude name="**/NutchExample.java"/>

 <copy todir="${build.dir}/classes/lia/tools">
   <fileset dir="src/lia/tools" excludes="**/*.java"/>

I was having same issue then realized that the version of commons-io getting picked up was lower than what I need (2.4)....I need to Override the already managed version as below to get the right one picked up:我遇到了同样的问题,然后意识到获取的 commons-io 版本低于我需要的版本(2.4)。...我需要覆盖如下已管理的版本以获取正确的版本:


I also faced the same issue, but after adding dependency in pom error got removed.我也遇到了同样的问题,但是在 pom 错误中添加依赖项后被删除了。


you can also refer URL http://zetcode.com/java/fileutils/你也可以参考 URL http://zetcode.com/java/fileutils/

前往: http ://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-io/download_io.cgi 下载:commons-io-2.4-bin.zip 解压并在commons-io-2.4文件夹中找到commons-io-2.4.jar

尝试在外部添加jar, 这里

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