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[英]XAML How to set simple property value without binding

Suppose I have some singleton class like this: 假设我有一些像这样的单例类:

class A
    public static A Instance {
        get { return me; }

    public Object SomeProperty
        get { return something; }

and another class like this: 和另一个这样的类:

class B
    public Object TheProperty
        get { return tp; } 
        set { tp = value; }

If I were using C# syntax, I would write something like: 如果我使用的是C#语法,我会写类似以下内容:

b.TheProperty = A.Instance.SomeProperty

Unfortunately, I have to do this in XAML. 不幸的是,我必须在XAML中执行此操作。 I know I could create a Dependency Property for class B , also implement the PropertyChanged method of some sort, and after several hours of dull work have a monstrous "overkill" solution. 我知道我可以为类B创建一个Dependency Property ,也可以实现某种PropertyChanged方法,并且经过数小时的沉闷工作后才有了一个可怕的“过大杀手”解决方案。
I hope that I am missing something, and there is an easy way to do it in xaml like: 我希望我缺少一些东西,并且有一种简单的方法可以在xaml中完成,例如:

<B TheProperty={??A.Instance.SomeProperty} />

As i suspected. 如我所怀疑。 You need to use an object data provider. 您需要使用对象数据提供程序。

<Window x:Class="DataPRoviderTest.MainWindow"
    Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
    <ObjectDataProvider x:Key="provider" ObjectType="{x:Type local:B}">
            <x:StaticExtension MemberType="{x:Type local:A}" Member="Instance"/>
    <TextBlock Text="{Binding TheProperty, Source={StaticResource provider}}"/>

You also need a new constructor for B that takes an instance of A . 您还需要B的新构造函数,该构造函数采用A的实例。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace DataPRoviderTest
    public class A
        public static A Instance
            get { return new A(); }

        public Object SomeProperty
            get { return "Hi there"; }

    public class B
        public Object TheProperty
            get { return tp; }
            set { tp = value; }
        } Object tp = null;

        public B(A instance)
            TheProperty = instance.SomeProperty;

try use the path keyword like this: 尝试使用如下路径关键字:

<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=PropertyName.SomeProperty}" />

and set the entire single instance to the PropertyName property of the instance which is binding 并将整个单个实例设置为要绑定的实例的PropertyName属性

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