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[英]Error overloading operator [] for a std vector object

I have a polygon class defined like this: 我有一个这样定义的多边形类:

#include <gVector3.h>   // an array containing three floats (x,y,z coordinates)
#include <vector>

class Polygon {


    std::vector <gVector3> vertices;
    std::vector <gVector3> color;

I overloaded the [] operator for this class like so 我像这样重载了此类的[]运算符

gVector3 Polygon::operator [](unsigned int i) const {
    return vertices[i];

I've written a simple test case: 我编写了一个简单的测试用例:

gVector3 v1(0,0,1), v2(1,1,1), v3(2,0,1);
Polygon *p = new Polygon();
assert(p[0] == v1);   // Assume == for the gVector3 class has been defined correctly

Push is defined like so.. 推的定义如下:

void Polygon::push(gVector3 vec){

Bottom line is that this assertion fails, and I'm not sure why. 最重要的是,这个断言失败了,我不确定为什么。 Perhaps I'm misusing the Vector classes indexing method? 也许我滥用了Vector类的索引方法?

Any insights would be helpful! 任何见解都会有所帮助!

p is a pointer, so p[0] is the Polygon that it points to. p是指针,所以p[0]是它指向的Polygon I'm surprised that it compiled; 我很惊讶它编译了; I guess there must be some strange implicit type conversion. 我猜肯定会有一些奇怪的隐式类型转换。

You almost certainly don't want to be messing around with pointers and new : 您几乎可以肯定不希望被指针和new弄乱:

Polygon p;
assert(p[0] == v1);

but if you do for some reason, then you'll need to dereference the pointer before applying [] 但是如果您出于某种原因这样做,则需要在应用[]之前取消引用指针

assert((*p)[0] == v1);

p[0] is equivalent to *(p + 0) , or just *p , so its just giving you the Polygon object you allocated. p[0]等效于*(p + 0)*p ,因此它只是为您分配了Polygon对象。 You aren't calling operator[] on that object. 您没有在该对象上调用operator[] You need to do (*p)[0] instead, which will first get you the Polygon object and then call operator[] on it. 您需要执行(*p)[0] ,这将首先为您提供Polygon对象, 然后在其上调用operator[]

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