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[英]How to interpolate ECEF coordinates on an WGS84 ellipsoid

Is there a direct method (not involving converting the coordinates to lat/lon) to interpolate between 2 ECEF coordinates (xyz) in order for the interpolated point to be located on the WGS84 ellispoid. 是否有直接方法(不涉及将坐标转换为经度/纬度)在2个ECEF坐标(xyz)之间进行插值,以使插值点位于WGS84椭球上。 The original 2 points are computed from geodetic coordinates. 原始的2个点是根据大地坐标计算的。

Interpolating on a sphere seem obvious but I can't seem to derive a solution for the ellipsoid. 在球体上进行插值似乎很明显,但我似乎无法得出椭球的解。

Thank you in advance. 先感谢您。

Let assume you got 2 points p0(x,y,z) and p1(x,y,z) and want to interpolate some p(t) where t=<0.0,1.0> between the two. 假设您有2个点p0(x,y,z)p1(x,y,z)并希望在其中t=<0.0,1.0>位置插值一些p(t)

you can: 您可以:

  1. rescale your ellipsoid to sphere 将您的椭球重新缩放为球形

    simply like this: 就像这样:

     const double mz=6378137.00000/6356752.31414; // [m] equatoreal/polar radius of Earth p0.z*=mz; p1.z*=mz; 

    now you got Cartesian coordinates refering to spherical Earth model. 现在您获得了参照球面地球模型的笛卡尔坐标。

  2. interpolate

    simple linear interpolation would do 简单的线性插值就可以

     p(t) = p0+(p1-p0)*t 

    but of coarse you also need to normalize to earth curvature so: 但粗略的还需要归一化为地球曲率,因此:

     r0 = |p0| r1 = |p1| p(t) = p0+(p1-p0)*t r(t) = r0+(r1-r0)*t p(t)*=r/|p(t)| 

    where |p0| |p0| means length of vector p0 . 表示向量p0长度。

  3. rescale back to ellipsoid 重新缩放回椭球

    by dividing with the same value 用相同的值除


This is simple and cheap but the interpolated path will not have linear time scale. 这既简单又便宜,但是内插路径不会具有线性时间标度。

Here C++ example: 这里是C ++示例:

void XYZ_interpolate(double *pt,double *p0,double *p1,double t)
    const double  mz=6378137.00000/6356752.31414;
    const double _mz=6356752.31414/6378137.00000;
    double p[3],r,r0,r1;
    // compute spherical radiuses of input points
    // linear interpolation
    r   = r0   +(r1   -r0   )*t;
    p[0]= p0[0]+(p1[0]-p0[0])*t;
    p[1]= p0[1]+(p1[1]-p0[1])*t;
    // correct radius and rescale back

And preview: 并预览:


Yellow squares are the used p0,p1 Cartesian coordinates, the White curve is the interpolated path where t=<0.0,1.0> ... 黄色正方形是使用的p0,p1直角坐标,白色曲线是t=<0.0,1.0> ...的插补路径。

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