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Facebook 如何禁用浏览器的集成开发者工具?

[英]How does Facebook disable the browser's integrated Developer Tools?

So apparently because of the recent scams, the developer tools is exploited by people to post spam and even used to "hack" accounts.显然,由于最近的骗局,开发人员工具被人们利用来发布垃圾邮件,甚至被用来“破解”帐户。 Facebook has blocked the developer tools, and I can't even use the console. Facebook已经屏蔽了开发者工具,我什至不能使用控制台。


How did they do that??他们是怎么做到的?? One Stack Overflow post claimed that it is not possible , but Facebook has proven them wrong. 一篇 Stack Overflow 帖子声称这是不可能的,但 Facebook 已经证明他们错了。

Just go to Facebook and open up the developer tools, type one character into the console, and this warning pops up.只需去 Facebook 并打开开发者工具,在控制台中输入一个字符,就会弹出此警告。 No matter what you put in, it will not get executed.无论你输入什么,它都不会被执行。

How is this possible?这怎么可能?

They even blocked auto-complete in the console:他们甚至阻止了控制台中的自动完成功能:


I'm a security engineer at Facebook and this is my fault.我是 Facebook 的安全工程师,这是我的错。 We're testing this for some users to see if it can slow down some attacks where users are tricked into pasting (malicious) JavaScript code into the browser console.我们正在为一些用户测试此功能,看看它是否可以减缓某些攻击,这些攻击会诱使用户将(恶意)JavaScript 代码粘贴到浏览器控制台中。

Just to be clear: trying to block hackers client-side is a bad idea in general;需要明确的是:试图在客户端阻止黑客通常是一个坏主意 this is to protect against a specific social engineering attack .这是为了防止特定的社会工程攻击

If you ended up in the test group and are annoyed by this, sorry.如果你最终进入了测试组并且对此感到恼火,抱歉。 I tried to make the old opt-out page (now help page ) as simple as possible while still being scary enough to stop at least some of the victims.我试图使旧的选择退出页面(现在是帮助页面)尽可能简单,同时仍然足够吓人以阻止至少一些受害者。

The actual code is pretty similar to @joeldixon66's link ;实际代码与@joeldixon66 的链接非常相似; ours is a little more complicated for no good reason.我们的有点复杂,没有充分的理由。

Chrome wraps all console code in Chrome 将所有控制台代码封装在

with ((console && console._commandLineAPI) || {}) {
  <code goes here>

... so the site redefines console._commandLineAPI to throw: ...所以该站点重新定义了console._commandLineAPI以抛出:

Object.defineProperty(console, '_commandLineAPI',
   { get : function() { throw 'Nooo!' } })

This is not quite enough (try it!) , but that's the main trick.这还不够(尝试一下!) ,但这是主要技巧。

Epilogue: The Chrome team decided that defeating the console from user-side JS was a bug and fixed the issue , rendering this technique invalid.尾声:Chrome 团队认为从用户端 JS 击败控制台是一个错误并修复了该问题,使该技术无效。 Afterwards, additional protection was added to protect users from self-xss .之后,添加了额外的保护以 保护用户免受 self-xss

I located the Facebook's console buster script using Chrome developer tools.我使用 Chrome 开发人员工具找到了 Facebook 的控制台破坏脚本。 Here is the script with minor changes for readability.这是为了提高可读性而进行了细微更改的脚本。 I have removed the bits that I could not understand:我已经删除了我无法理解的部分:

Object.defineProperty(window, "console", {
    value: console,
    writable: false,
    configurable: false

var i = 0;
function showWarningAndThrow() {
    if (!i) {
        setTimeout(function () {
            console.log("%cWarning message", "font: 2em sans-serif; color: yellow; background-color: red;");
        }, 1);
        i = 1;
    throw "Console is disabled";

var l, n = {
        set: function (o) {
            l = o;
        get: function () {
            return l;
Object.defineProperty(console, "_commandLineAPI", n);
Object.defineProperty(console, "__commandLineAPI", n);

With this, the console auto-complete fails silently while statements typed in console will fail to execute (the exception will be logged).这样,控制台自动完成会静默失败,而在控制台中键入的语句将无法执行(将记录异常)。


I couldn't get it to trigger that on any page.我无法让它在任何页面上触发它。 A more robust version of this would do it:一个更强大的版本可以做到:

window.console.log = function(){
    console.error('The developer console is temp...');
    window.console.log = function() {
        return false;


To style the output: Colors in JavaScript console输出样式: JavaScript 控制台中的颜色

Edit Thinking @joeldixon66 has the right idea: Disable JavaScript execution from console « ::: KSpace :::编辑思维@joeldixon66有正确的想法: 从控制台禁用 JavaScript 执行« :: KSpace :::

Besides redefining console._commandLineAPI , there are some other ways to break into InjectedScriptHost on WebKit browsers, to prevent or alter the evaluation of expressions entered into the developer's console.除了重新定义console._commandLineAPI ,还有一些其他方法可以在 WebKit 浏览器上闯入 InjectedScriptHost,以防止或更改输入到开发人员控制台的表达式的计算。


Chrome has fixed this in a past release. Chrome 在过去的版本中修复了这个问题。 - which must have been before February 2015, as I created the gist at that time - 必须在 2015 年 2 月之前,因为我当时创建了要点

So here's another possibility.所以这是另一种可能性。 This time we hook in, a level above, directly into InjectedScript rather than InjectedScriptHost as opposed to the prior version.这一次,我们将上一层直接连接到InjectedScript而不是InjectedScriptHost ,而不是之前的版本。

Which is kind of nice, as you can directly monkey patch InjectedScript._evaluateAndWrap instead of having to rely on InjectedScriptHost.evaluate as that gives you more fine-grained control over what should happen.这很好,因为您可以直接修补InjectedScript._evaluateAndWrap而不必依赖InjectedScriptHost.evaluate因为这可以让您更精细地控制应该发生的事情。

Another pretty interesting thing is, that we can intercept the internal result when an expression is evaluated and return that to the user instead of the normal behavior.另一个非常有趣的事情是,我们可以在计算表达式时拦截内部结果并将其返回给用户而不是正常行为。

Here is the code, that does exactly that, return the internal result when a user evaluates something in the console.这是代码,正是这样做的,当用户在控制台中评估某些内容时返回内部结果。

var is;
       return this._lR;
       if (typeof this._commandLineAPIImpl=="object") is=this;
   var ev=is._evaluateAndWrap;
       var res=ev.apply(is,arguments);
       if (arguments[2]==="completion") {
           //This is the path you end up when a user types in the console and autocompletion get's evaluated

           //Chrome expects a wrapped result to be returned from evaluateAndWrap.
           //You can use `ev` to generate an object yourself.
           //In case of the autocompletion chrome exptects an wrapped object with the properties that can be autocompleted. e.g.;
           //{iGetAutoCompleted: true}
           //You would then go and return that object wrapped, like
           //return ev.call (is, '', '({test:true})', 'completion', true, false, true);
           //Would make `test` pop up for every autocompletion.
           //Note that syntax as well as every Object.prototype property get's added to that list later,
           //so you won't be able to exclude things like `while` from the autocompletion list,
           //unless you wou'd find a way to rewrite the getCompletions function.
           return res; //Return the autocompletion result. If you want to break that, return nothing or an empty object
       } else {
           //This is the path where you end up when a user actually presses enter to evaluate an expression.
           //In order to return anything as normal evaluation output, you have to return a wrapped object.

           //In this case, we want to return the generated remote object. 
           //Since this is already a wrapped object it would be converted if we directly return it. Hence,
           //`return result` would actually replicate the very normal behaviour as the result is converted.
           //to output what's actually in the remote object, we have to stringify it and `evaluateAndWrap` that object again.`
           //This is quite interesting;
           return ev.call (is, null, '(' + JSON.stringify (res) + ')', "console", true, false, true)

It's a bit verbose, but I thought I put some comments into it有点冗长,但我想我在里面加了一些评论

So normally, if a user, for example, evaluates [1,2,3,4] you'd expect the following output:因此,通常情况下,例如,如果用户评估[1,2,3,4]您会期望以下输出:


After monkeypatching InjectedScript._evaluateAndWrap evaluating the very same expression, gives the following output:在monkeypatching InjectedScript._evaluateAndWrap评估完全相同的表达式后,给出以下输出:


As you see the little-left arrow, indicating output, is still there, but this time we get an object.如您所见,表示输出的小左箭头仍然存在,但这次我们得到了一个对象。 Where the result of the expression, the array [1,2,3,4] is represented as an object with all its properties described.在表达式的结果中,数组[1,2,3,4]表示为一个对象,并描述了其所有属性。

I recommend trying to evaluate this and that expression, including those that generate errors.我建议尝试评估这个和那个表达式,包括那些产生错误的表达式。 It's quite interesting.这很有趣。

Additionally, take a look at the is - InjectedScriptHost - object.此外,看看is - InjectedScriptHost -对象。 It provides some methods to play with and get a bit of insight into the internals of the inspector.它提供了一些方法来使用并深入了解检查器的内部结构。

Of course, you could intercept all that information and still return the original result to the user.当然,您可以截取所有这些信息并仍将原始结果返回给用户。

Just replace the return statement in the else path by a console.log (res) following a return res .只需通过替换其他路径return语句console.log (res)之后的return res Then you'd end up with the following.然后你会得到以下结果。


End of Edit编辑结束

This is the prior version which was fixed by Google.这是由 Google 修复的先前版本。 Hence not a possible way anymore.因此不再是一种可能的方式。

One of it is hooking into Function.prototype.call其中之一是挂钩到Function.prototype.call

Chrome evaluates the entered expression by call ing its eval function with InjectedScriptHost as thisArg Chrome 使用InjectedScriptHost作为thisArg call其 eval 函数来评估输入的表达式

var result = evalFunction.call(object, expression);

Given this, you can listen for the thisArg of call being evaluate and get a reference to the first argument ( InjectedScriptHost )鉴于此,您可以监听正在evaluatecallthisArg并获取对第一个参数( InjectedScriptHost )的引用

if (window.URL) {
    var ish, _call = Function.prototype.call;
    Function.prototype.call = function () { //Could be wrapped in a setter for _commandLineAPI, to redefine only when the user started typing.
        if (arguments.length > 0 && this.name === "evaluate" && arguments [0].constructor.name === "InjectedScriptHost") { //If thisArg is the evaluate function and the arg0 is the ISH
            ish = arguments[0];
            ish.evaluate = function (e) { //Redefine the evaluation behaviour
                throw new Error ('Rejected evaluation of: \n\'' + e.split ('\n').slice(1,-1).join ("\n") + '\'');
            Function.prototype.call = _call; //Reset the Function.prototype.call
            return _call.apply(this, arguments);  

You could eg throw an error, that the evaluation was rejected.例如,您可以抛出一个错误,即评估被拒绝。


Here is an example where the entered expression gets passed to a CoffeeScript compiler before passing it to the evaluate function.这是一个示例,其中输入的表达式在将其传递给evaluate函数之前先传递给 CoffeeScript 编译器。

Netflix also implements this feature Netflix 也实现了这个功能

(function() {
    try {
        var $_console$$ = console;
        Object.defineProperty(window, "console", {
            get: function() {
                if ($_console$$._commandLineAPI)
                    throw "Sorry, for security reasons, the script console is deactivated on netflix.com";
                return $_console$$
            set: function($val$$) {
                $_console$$ = $val$$
    } catch ($ignore$$) {

They just override console._commandLineAPI to throw security error.他们只是覆盖console._commandLineAPI来抛出安全错误。

This is actually possible since Facebook was able to do it.这实际上是可能的,因为 Facebook 能够做到这一点。 Well, not the actual web developer tools but the execution of Javascript in console.好吧,不是实际的 Web 开发人员工具,而是在控制台中执行 Javascript。

See this: How does Facebook disable the browser's integrated Developer Tools?请参阅: Facebook 如何禁用浏览器的集成开发人员工具?

This really wont do much though since there are other ways to bypass this type of client-side security.这确实不会做太多,因为还有其他方法可以绕过这种类型的客户端安全性。

When you say it is client-side, it happens outside the control of the server, so there is not much you can do about it.当您说它是客户端时,它发生在服务器的控制之外,因此您无能为力。 If you are asking why Facebook still does this, this is not really for security but to protect normal users that do not know javascript from running code (that they don't know how to read) into the console.如果您问为什么 Facebook 仍然这样做,这实际上并不是为了安全,而是为了保护不了解 javascript 的普通用户将代码(他们不知道如何阅读)运行到控制台中。 This is common for sites that promise auto-liker service or other Facebook functionality bots after you do what they ask you to do, where in most cases, they give you a snip of javascript to run in console.这对于承诺自动点赞服务或其他 Facebook 功能机器人的网站很常见,在您完成他们要求您做的事情后,在大多数情况下,他们会给您一小段 javascript 以在控制台中运行。

If you don't have as much users as Facebook, then I don't think there's any need to do what Facebook is doing.如果你没有 Facebook 那么多的用户,那么我认为没有必要做 Facebook 正在做的事情。

Even if you disable Javascript in console, running javascript via address bar is still possible.即使您在控制台中禁用 Javascript,仍然可以通过地址栏运行 javascript。



and if the browser disables javascript at address bar, (When you paste code to the address bar in Google Chrome, it deletes the phrase 'javascript:') pasting javascript into one of the links via inspect element is still possible.如果浏览器在地址栏中禁用了 javascript,(当您将代码粘贴到 Google Chrome 中的地址栏中时,它会删除短语“javascript:”)通过检查元素将 javascript 粘贴到链接之一仍然是可能的。

Inspect the anchor:检查锚点:


Paste code in href:在 href 中粘贴代码:




Bottom line is server-side validation and security should be first, then do client-side after.底线是服务器端验证和安全性应该是第一,然后是客户端。

Chrome changed a lot since the times facebook could disable console...自从 facebook 可以禁用控制台以来,Chrome 发生了很大变化......

As per March 2017 this doesn't work anymore.截至 2017 年 3 月,这不再有效。

Best you can do is disable some of the console functions, example:您能做的最好的事情是禁用一些控制台功能,例如:

if(!window.console) window.console = {};
var methods = ["log", "debug", "warn", "info", "dir", "dirxml", "trace", "profile"];
for(var i=0;i<methods.length;i++){
    console[methods[i]] = function(){};

My simple way, but it can help for further variations on this subject.我的简单方法,但它可以帮助进一步改变这个主题。 List all methods and alter them to useless.列出所有方法并将它们更改为无用。

  Object.getOwnPropertyNames(console).filter(function(property) {
     return typeof console[property] == 'function';
  }).forEach(function (verb) {
     console[verb] =function(){return 'Sorry, for security reasons...';};

Internally devtools injects an IIFE named getCompletions into the page, called when a key is pressed inside the Devtools console.内部devtools名为内喷射的IIFE getCompletions到网页中,当一个键被按下的Devtools控制台内部调用。

Looking at the source of that function , it uses a few global functions which can be overwritten.查看该函数来源,它使用了一些可以覆盖的全局函数。

By using the Error constructor it's possible to get the call stack, which will include getCompletions when called by Devtools.通过使用Error的构造有可能获得调用堆栈,其中包括getCompletions时Devtools调用。


 const disableDevtools = callback => { const original = Object.getPrototypeOf; Object.getPrototypeOf = (...args) => { if (Error().stack.includes("getCompletions")) callback(); return original(...args); }; }; disableDevtools(() => { console.error("devtools has been disabled"); while (1); });



I would go along the way of:我会走这条路:

Object.defineProperty(window, 'console', {
  get: function() {

  set: function() {



Hi all, Please attention, Facebook Dont do this大家好,请注意, Facebook 不要这样做
this is just a fake strategy that try scare client.这只是一个试图吓唬客户的虚假策略。

this code by default write in the console in page load, if u open console or not, if you open then u see the red 'STOP' word... :)默认情况下,此代码在页面加载时写入控制台,无论您是否打开控制台,如果您打开,那么您会看到红色的“停止”字样... :)

they just rewrite console functions, and u can open console and rewrite back all of them :|他们只是重写控制台功能,你可以打开控制台并重写所有这些:|
because alert function or all other js function still worked fine.因为警报功能或所有其他 js 功能仍然可以正常工作。

you can detect none-separate developer tools opened, by this code:您可以通过以下代码检测打开的非独立开发人员工具:

function isConsoleOpen(){
if((window.outerWidth - window.innerWidth)>100){return true;}
if((navigator.platform=="Win32")&&(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows ")==-1)){return true;}else{return false;}}

for separate developer tools opened detection用于单独的开发人员工具打开检测
you must have a strategy that be active on window.blur and check if any function called (Other than functions that load data from server in intervals...) then algorithm can detect that client is working in separate dev-tools.您必须有一个在 window.blur 上处于活动状态的策略,并检查是否有任何函数被调用(除了每隔一段时间从服务器加载数据的函数......)然后算法可以检测到客户端正在单独的开发工具中工作。

Simple Solution: add this code to ur main js functions:简单的解决方案:将此代码添加到您的主要 js 函数中:

if (document.hasFocus()) {...}

Hard Solution:硬解:
add extra code snippet to all js functions of ur code将额外的代码片段添加到您代码的所有 js 函数中

我这里有一个简单的方法: window.console = function () {}

In Firefox it dosen't do that, since Firefox is a developer browser, I think since the command WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER在 Firefox 中它不会这样做,因为 Firefox 是开发者浏览器,我认为因为命令WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER and the error Referrer Policy: Less restricted policies, including 'no-referrer-when-downgrade', 'origin-when-cross-origin' and 'unsafe-url', will be ignored soon for the cross-site request: https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v3/yS/r/XDDAHSZfaR6.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz . WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER和错误Referrer Policy: Less restricted policies, including 'no-referrer-when-downgrade', 'origin-when-cross-origin' and 'unsafe-url', will be ignored soon for the cross-site request: https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v3/yS/r/XDDAHSZfaR6.js?_nc_x=Ij3Wp8lg5Kz

This is not a security measure for weak code to be left unattended.这不是让弱代码无人看管的安全措施。 Always get a permanent solution to weak code and secure your websites properly before implementing this strategy在实施此策略之前,始终获得弱代码的永久解决方案并正确保护您的网站

The best tool by far according to my knowledge would be to add multiple javascript files that simply changes the integrity of the page back to normal by refreshing or replacing content.据我所知,目前最好的工具是添加多个 javascript 文件,这些文件通过刷新或替换内容简单地将页面的完整性恢复到正常状态。 Disabling this developer tool would not be the greatest idea since bypassing is always in question since the code is part of the browser and not a server rendering, thus it could be cracked.禁用这个开发者工具并不是最好的主意,因为绕过总是有问题的,因为代码是浏览器的一部分而不是服务器渲染,因此它可能会被破解。

Should you have js file one checking for <element> changes on important elements and js file two and js file three checking that this file exists per period you will have full integrity restore on the page within the period.如果您让js file one检查重要元素上的<element>更改,而js file twojs file three检查每个时间段是否存在此文件,您将在该时间段内在页面上进行完整的完整性恢复。

Lets take an example of the 4 files and show you what I mean.让我们以 4 个文件为例,向您展示我的意思。


   <!DOCTYPE html>
   <head id="mainhead">
   <script src="ks.js" id="ksjs"></script>
   <script src="mainfile.js" id="mainjs"></script>
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" id="style">
   <meta id="meta1" name="description" content="Proper mitigation against script kiddies via Javascript" >
   <h1 id="heading" name="dontdel" value="2">Delete this from console and it will refresh. If you change the name attribute in this it will also refresh. This is mitigating an attack on attribute change via console to exploit vulnerabilities. You can even try and change the value attribute from 2 to anything you like. If This script says it is 2 it should be 2 or it will refresh. </h1>
   <h3>Deleting this wont refresh the page due to it having no integrity check on it</h3>

   <p>You can also add this type of error checking on meta tags and add one script out of the head tag to check for changes in the head tag. You can add many js files to ensure an attacker cannot delete all in the second it takes to refresh. Be creative and make this your own as your website needs it. 

   <p>This is not the end of it since we can still enter any tag to load anything from everywhere (Dependent on headers etc) but we want to prevent the important ones like an override in meta tags that load headers. The console is designed to edit html but that could add potential html that is dangerous. You should not be able to enter any meta tags into this document unless it is as specified by the ks.js file as permissable. <br>This is not only possible with meta tags but you can do this for important tags like input and script. This is not a replacement for headers!!! Add your headers aswell and protect them with this method.</p>
   <script src="ps.js" id="psjs"></script>


   setInterval(function() {
   // check for existence of other scripts. This part will go in all other files to check for this file aswell. 
   var ksExists = document.getElementById("ksjs"); 
   if(ksExists) {
   }else{ location.reload();};

   var psExists = document.getElementById("psjs");
   if(psExists) {
   }else{ location.reload();};

   var styleExists = document.getElementById("style");
   if(styleExists) {
   }else{ location.reload();};

   }, 1 * 1000); // 1 * 1000 milsec

ps.js ps.js

   /*This script checks if mainjs exists as an element. If main js is not existent as an id in the html file reload!You can add this to all js files to ensure that your page integrity is perfect every second. If the page integrity is bad it reloads the page automatically and the process is restarted. This will blind an attacker as he has one second to disable every javascript file in your system which is impossible.


   setInterval(function() {
   // check for existence of other scripts. This part will go in all other files to check for this file aswell. 
   var mainExists = document.getElementById("mainjs"); 
   if(mainExists) {
   }else{ location.reload();};

   //check that heading with id exists and name tag is dontdel.
   var headingExists = document.getElementById("heading"); 
   if(headingExists) {
   }else{ location.reload();};
   var integrityHeading = headingExists.getAttribute('name');
   if(integrityHeading == 'dontdel') {
   }else{ location.reload();};
   var integrity2Heading = headingExists.getAttribute('value');
   if(integrity2Heading == '2') {
   }else{ location.reload();};
   //check that all meta tags stay there
   var meta1Exists = document.getElementById("meta1"); 
   if(meta1Exists) {
   }else{ location.reload();};

   var headExists = document.getElementById("mainhead"); 
   if(headExists) {
   }else{ location.reload();};

   }, 1 * 1000); // 1 * 1000 milsec

ks.js js.js

   /*This script checks if mainjs exists as an element. If main js is not existent as an id in the html file reload! You can add this to all js files to ensure that your page integrity is perfect every second. If the page integrity is bad it reloads the page automatically and the process is restarted. This will blind an attacker as he has one second to disable every javascript file in your system which is impossible.


   setInterval(function() {
   // check for existence of other scripts. This part will go in all other files to check for this file aswell. 
   var mainExists = document.getElementById("mainjs"); 
   if(mainExists) {
   }else{ location.reload();};
   //Check meta tag 1 for content changes. meta1 will always be 0. This you do for each meta on the page to ensure content credibility. No one will change a meta and get away with it. Addition of a meta in spot 10, say a meta after the id="meta10" should also be covered as below.
   var x = document.getElementsByTagName("meta")[0];
   var p = x.getAttribute("name");
   var s = x.getAttribute("content");
   if (p != 'description') {
   if ( s != 'Proper mitigation against script kiddies via Javascript') {
   // This will prevent a meta tag after this meta tag @ id="meta1". This prevents new meta tags from being added to your pages. This can be used for scripts or any tag you feel is needed to do integrity check on like inputs and scripts. (Yet again. It is not a replacement for headers to be added. Add your headers aswell!)
   var lastMeta = document.getElementsByTagName("meta")[1];
   if (lastMeta) {
   }, 1 * 1000); // 1 * 1000 milsec


Now this is just to show it works on all files and tags aswell现在这只是为了表明它也适用于所有文件和标签

   #heading {

If you put all these files together and build the example you will see the function of this measure.如果将所有这些文件放在一起并构建示例,您将看到此度量的功能。 This will prevent some unforseen injections should you implement it correctly on all important elements in your index file especially when working with PHP.如果您在索引文件中的所有重要元素上正确实现它,这将防止一些不可预见的注入,尤其是在使用 PHP 时。

Why I chose reload instead of change back to normal value per attribute is the fact that some attackers could have another part of the website already configured and ready and it lessens code amount.为什么我选择重新加载而不是将每个属性更改回正常值是这样一个事实,即某些攻击者可能已经配置并准备好了网站的另一部分,这会减少代码量。 The reload will remove all the attacker's hard work and he will probably go play somewhere easier.重装将消除攻击者的所有辛勤工作,他可能会去更容易的地方玩。

Another note: This could become a lot of code so keep it clean and make sure to add definitions to where they belong to make edits easy in future.另一个注意事项:这可能会变成很多代码,因此请保持干净,并确保将定义添加到它们所属的位置,以便将来轻松进行编辑。 Also set the seconds to your preferred amount as 1 second intervals on large pages could have drastic effects on older computers your visitors might be using还将秒数设置为您喜欢的数量,因为大页面上的 1 秒间隔可能会对您的访问者可能使用的旧计算机产生巨大影响

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