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[英]Defining Reads for java.util.Set with `_`

Using the Play Framework's JSON library, I'm trying to define a Reads[Obj] for: 我正在尝试使用Play Framework的JSON库为以下项定义Reads[Obj]

Obj.java Obj.java

public class Obj {
  private Long id;
  private String description;
  private Set<Group> groups;

  public Obj(Long id, String description, Set<Group> groups) { 
    // set fields 

However, when I use _.asJava , I get missing parameter type compile-time error. 但是,当我使用_.asJava ,会missing parameter type编译时错误。

import play.api.libs.json._
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

      implicit val ObjReads: Reads[Obj] = (
          (JsPath \ "id").read[Long] and
          (JsPath \ "description").read[String] and
          (JsPath \ "groups").read[Set[Group]] and
        )(new Obj(_,_,_.asJava))

Note that I need to call asJava to convert from scala.collection.immutable.Set to java.util.Set . 请注意,我需要调用asJavascala.collection.immutable.Set转换为java.util.Set

Without naming each parameter and its type, how can I succinctly call asJava on the third element? 在不命名每个参数及其类型的情况下,如何在第三个元素上简洁地调用asJava

You can't always always just throw in underscores instead of names because the compiler doesn't always know how you want to resolve them. 您不能总是总是仅使用下划线而不是名称,因为编译器并不总是知道如何解析它们。

def f(a: String, b: String) = f"$a~$b"

Vector(1,2,3).foldLeft("0")(f(_, _.toString))           // ERROR
Vector(1,2,3).foldLeft("0")((z,x) => f(z, x.toString))  // fine

Just giving names to the parameters is an easy way to fix it. 仅给参数命名是修复它的简便方法。

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