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[英]Segmentation fault 11 when accessing linked list

I'm sure I've screwed up my pointers, or perhaps the initial NULL , but I can't figure it out. 我确定我搞砸了我的指针,或者可能是初始的NULL ,但我无法理解。

I'm trying to write a linked list out to a text file: 我正在尝试将链接列表写入文本文件:

write_out(node *ll){
    ofstream out;
    if (!out.is_open()) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);

    cout << ll->value;

    //stuff to write out

and: 和:

struct node {
    int value;
    node *next;

But the line cout << ll->value causes Segmentation fault: 11 , I do not understand why however. 但是行cout << ll->value导致Segmentation fault: 11 ,我不明白为什么。

I've commented out the code I was actually doing to write out, as this is irrelevant, the issue is obviously with my (lack) of understanding how the above works. 我已经注释掉了我实际写出的代码,因为这是无关紧要的,问题显然是我(缺乏)理解上面的工作方式。

I call write_out(linkedlist) where node* linkedlist points to the first node. 我调用write_out(linkedlist) ,其中node* linkedlist指向第一个节点。

This happens after: 这发生在:

read_in(node *ll){
    ifstream data; //opened and checked open as above for out
    int v;
    ll = new node;
    node *tmp = ll;
    data >> tmp->value;
    while(data >> v){
        tmp->next = new node;
        tmp = tmp->next;
        tmp->value = v;
    tmp->next = NULL;  //thanks @sharth

Which surely hasn't left ll = NULL ? 肯定没有留下ll = NULL

read_in(node *ll){

ll is a parameter passed by value . ll按值传递的参数 That means any changes to it inside read_in are only local to it and have no effect outside it. 这意味着read_in中对它的任何更改都只是本地的,并且在它之外没有任何影响。 Therefore after read_in is done, the pointer to the head of your list is still NULL (assuming that's what you initialized the pointer with). 因此,在read_in完成后,指向列表头部的指针仍为NULL (假设您使用了初始化指针)。 Calling write_out with a NULL parameter therefore dereferences a NULL pointer, which will cause your SIGSEGV. 因此,使用NULL参数调用write_out会取消引用NULL指针,这将导致您的SIGSEGV。

I can guess that the problem is in the function where you add new nodes to the list. 我可以猜测问题出在你将新节点添加到列表的功能中。

I think you do something similar 我认为你做了类似的事情

void add_node( node *n, int value );

node *linkedlist = NULL;

add_node( linkedlist, somevalue );

In this case any changes of linkedlist inside the function does not influence the original object linkedlist. 在这种情况下,函数内链表的任何更改都不会影响原始对象链表。 So it will still be equal to NULL. 所以它仍然等于NULL。 So when you try to output the list and use 所以当你尝试输出列表并使用时

cout << ll->value;

ll is equal to NULL. ll等于NULL。

Just a simple example to added what @Michael Foukarakis pointed out 只是一个简单的例子来补充@Michael Foukarakis指出的内容


void this_dont_change_ptr(int* a, int val){
    a = new int;
    *a = val;   

void this_changes_ptr_itself(int** a, int val){
    *a = new int;
    *(*a) = val; 

int main(){

    int *my_ptr = NULL;
    this_dont_change_ptr(my_ptr, 5);

    if(my_ptr == NULL){
        std::cout << "In fact, ptr is still NULL" << std::endl;

    // What I do with allocated memo??

    // grants that my_ptr is NULL again
    my_ptr = NULL;  
    this_changes_ptr_itself(&my_ptr, 5);
    if(my_ptr == NULL){
        std::cout << "MUST never get here!" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Now we have a new value " << *my_ptr << std::endl;    

    delete my_ptr;  

    return 0;

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