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[英]How to copy a image to a Directory in C language

I was trying to copy a image file using file open and write file method, but enable to achieve the image... So please help me out with the code along with the header file required. 我试图使用文件打开和写入文件方法来复制图像文件,但是启用了实现图像的功能。因此,请帮助我提供代码以及所需的头文件。

   char ch, source_file[20], target_file[20];
   FILE *source, *target;
   source = fopen("Source", "r");
   if( source == NULL )
   printf("Press any key to exit...\n");
   target = fopen("Destination", "w");
   if( target == NULL )

   while( ( ch = fgetc(source) ) != EOF )
   fputc(ch, target);

   printf("File copied successfully.\n");


I tried This.... 我尝试过这个...

Try: 尝试:

FILE *source, *target;
int i;
source = fopen("Source", "rb"); 

if( source == NULL ) { printf("Press any key to exit...\n");} //exit(EXIT_FAILURE); 

fseek(source, 0, SEEK_END);
int length = ftell(source);

fseek(source, 0, SEEK_SET);
target = fopen("Destination", "wb"); 

if( target == NULL ) { fclose(source); } //exit(EXIT_FAILURE);

for(i = 0; i < length; i++){
    fputc(fgetc(source), target);

printf("File copied successfully.\n"); 

valter 瓦尔特

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