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[英]Make several objects rotate on same orbit but with different positions using jQuery

Hello I was trying to find a solution for a small script that can rotate objects around 1 center but it seems a bit too tricky for me. 您好,我正在尝试寻找一种小型脚本的解决方案,该脚本可以围绕1个中心旋转对象,但对我来说似乎有点棘手。 I've found almost perfect solution and tried to modify it to suit my needs but there's a problem. 我找到了几乎完美的解决方案,并尝试对其进行修改以适合我的需求,但是存在问题。

I'm trying to make 3 objects with text to rotate with same speed, same orbit but different start positions as if they were apexes(vertices) of equilateral triangle. 我正在尝试使3个带有文本的对象以相同的速度,相同的轨道但起始位置不同来旋转,就像它们是等边三角形的顶点(顶点)一样。

Here's my fiddle so far: 到目前为止,这是我的小提琴

    ( function ( $ ) {
        jQuery.fn.orbit = function(s, options){
            var settings = {
                            orbits:    1     // Number of times to go round the orbit e.g. 0.5 = half an orbit
                           ,period:    3000  // Number of milliseconds to complete one orbit.
                           ,maxfps:    25    // Maximum number of frames per second. Too small gives "flicker", too large uses lots of CPU power
                           ,clockwise: false  // Direction of rotation.
            $.extend(settings, options);  // Merge the supplied options with the default settings.

                var p        = $(this);

/* First obtain the respective positions */

                var p_top    = p.css('top' ),
                    p_left   = p.css('left'),
                    s_top    = s.css('top' ),
                    s_left   = s.css('left');

/* Then get the positions of the centres of the objects */

                var p_x      = parseInt(p_top ) + p.height()/2,
                    p_y      = parseInt(p_left) + p.width ()/2,
                    s_x      = parseInt(s_top ) + s.height()/2,
                    s_y      = parseInt(s_left) + s.width ()/2;

/* Find the Adjacent and Opposite sides of the right-angled triangle */
                var a        = s_x - p_x,
                    o        = s_y - p_y;

/* Calculate the hypotenuse (radius) and the angle separating the objects */

                var r        = Math.sqrt(a*a + o*o);
                var theta    = Math.acos(a / r);

/* Calculate the number of iterations to call setTimeout(), the delay and the "delta" angle to add/subtract */

                var niters   = Math.ceil(Math.min(4 * r, settings.period, 0.001 * settings.period * settings.maxfps));
                var delta    = 2*Math.PI / niters;
                var delay    = settings.period  / niters;
                if (! settings.clockwise) {delta = -delta;}
                niters      *= settings.orbits;

/* create the "timeout_loop function to do the work */

                var timeout_loop = function(s, r, theta, delta, iter, niters, delay, settings){

/* Calculate the new position for the orbiting element */

                        var w = theta + iter * delta;
                        var a = r * Math.cos(w);
                        var o = r * Math.sin(w);
                        var x = parseInt(s.css('left')) + (s.height()/2) - a;
                        var y = parseInt(s.css('top' )) + (s.width ()/2) - o;

/* Set the CSS properties "top" and "left" to move the object to its new position */

                        p.css({top:  (y - p.height()/2),
                               left: (x - p.width ()/2)});

/* Call the timeout_loop function if we have not yet done all the iterations */

                        if (iter < (niters - 1))  timeout_loop(s, r, theta, delta, iter+1, niters, delay, settings);
                    }, delay);

/* Call the timeout_loop function */

                timeout_loop(s, r, theta, delta, 0, niters, delay, settings);
    }) (jQuery);

       $('#object1'  ).orbit($('#center'  ), {orbits:  2, period:  8000});
$('#object2'  ).orbit($('#center'  ), {orbits:  4, period:  4000});
$('#object3'  ).orbit($('#center'  ), {orbits:  8, period:  2000});


<h1> Example</h1>
<div id='rotation'>
    <div id='center'    >C</div>
    <div id='object1'  >Text1</div>
    <div id='object2'  >Text2</div>
    <div id='object3'  >Text3</div>


#rotation {position: relative; width: 600px; height: 600px; background-color: #898989}
#center         {position: absolute; width:  20px; height:  20px;
           top: 300px; left: 300px; background-color: #ffffff;
           -moz-border-radius: 40px; border-radius: 40px;
           text-align: center; line-height: 15px;
#object1        {position: absolute; width:  36px; height:  36px;
           top: 300px; left: 200px; background-color: #ff8f23;
           -moz-border-radius: 18px; border-radius: 18px;
           text-align: center; line-height: 30px;

#object2        {position: absolute; width:  36px; height:  36px;
           top: 300px; left: 200px; background-color: #ff8f23;
           -moz-border-radius: 18px; border-radius: 18px;
           text-align: center; line-height: 30px;

#object3        {position: absolute; width:  36px; height:  36px;
           top: 300px; left: 200px; background-color: #ff8f23;
           -moz-border-radius: 18px; border-radius: 18px;
           text-align: center; line-height: 30px;

I used different speed and revolutions for each object because I can't figure out how to set different start positions without messing up. 我为每个对象使用了不同的速度和转数,因为我无法弄清楚如何设置不同的起始位置而不弄乱。 If I touch x,y coordinates of any object in CSS then the orbiting messes up. 如果我触摸CSS中任何对象的x,y坐标,则轨道会混乱。 It seems that object positions calculations are connected. 似乎对象位置计算已连接。 And if I change coordinates then the calculation also changes. 如果我更改坐标,则计算也将更改。 But I can't figure out how to fix this. 但是我不知道如何解决这个问题。

If you change the starting position of each element and call the .orbit function on each of them passing the same arguments it should work. 如果您更改每个元素的起始位置并在每个元素上调用.orbit函数并传递相同的参数,则它应该起作用。

Check this out: fiddle 看看这个: 小提琴

This is a slightly modified version of your fiddle. 这是您的小提琴的略微修改版本。 (Changed the starting positions and the arguments when calling the .orbit function. (在调用.orbit函数时更改了起始位置和参数。

Correct me if I'm wrong or if I didn't answer your question. 如果我错了或者我没有回答你的问题,请纠正我。

Got it working as intended 得到了预期的效果

Fiddle 小提琴

Jquery code: jQuery代码:

var txt = $('#text .txt'), txtLen = txt.size();

var deg2rad = function(a) { return a*Math.PI/180.0; }

var angle = 0, speed=0.1, delay = 0, r = 100;

(function rotate() {
for (var i=0; i<txtLen; i++) {

    var a = angle - (i * 360 / txtLen);

    $(txt[i]).css({top: r+(Math.sin(deg2rad(a))*r), left: r+(Math.cos(deg2rad(a))*r)});

angle = (angle - speed) % 360;

setTimeout(rotate, delay);

var rotation = function (){
   duration: 6000,
  callback: rotation,
  easing: function (x,t,b,c,d){        

      var d = 6000
      return c*(t/d)+b;


var txt2 = $('#text2 .txt2'), txt2Len = txt2.size();

var deg2rad = function(a) { return a*Math.PI/180.0; }

var angle = 13, speed=0.2, delay = 0, r = 100;

(function rotate() {
for (var i=0; i<txt2Len; i++) {

    var a = angle - (i * 360 / txt2Len);

    $(txt2[i]).css({top: r+(Math.sin(deg2rad(a))*r), left:
// increment our angle and use a modulo so we are always in the range [0..360] degrees
angle = (angle - speed) % 360;
// after a slight delay, call the exact same function again
setTimeout(rotate, delay);
})();  // invoke this boxed function to initiate the rotation

var rotation = function (){
   duration: 6000,
  callback: rotation,
  easing: function (x,t,b,c,d){        

      var d = 6000
      return c*(t/d)+b;


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