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sharepoint 2013在线mime

[英]sharepoint 2013 online mime

When I click on a link to a html file i've uploaded to Sharepoint 2013 ONLINE, it forces me to download it rather than opening it directly in the browser. 当我单击指向已上传到Sharepoint 2013 ONLINE的html文件的链接时,它迫使我下载该文件,而不是直接在浏览器中打开它。 I understand this is because SharePoint Online is adding the header X-Download-Options:noopen and text/html isn't in the MIME types. 我了解这是因为SharePoint Online正在添加标头X-Download-Options:noopen并且text / html不在MIME类型中。

So I can download the html, and open it from my Downloads folder. 因此,我可以下载html,然后从“下载”文件夹中将其打开。 However it's, understandably not downloaded the images, etc referred to in the page, making it useless. 但是,可以理解的是,它没有下载页面中提到的图像等,因此变得毫无用处。

There's loads on google about Sharepoint and mime types (mainly relating to pdfs), but very little on Sharepoint 2013 ONLINE. Google上有关于Sharepoint和mime类型(主要与pdf相关的内容)的负载,但是在Sharepoint 2013 ONLINE上却很少。 I have no way of administering the Site Collection of 'the farm'. 我无法管理“农场”的网站集。

I've tried using Powershell, but all the Sharepoint specific features eg Get-SPWebApplication aren't available to my client PC. 我尝试使用Powershell,但是我的客户端PC无法使用所有特定于Sharepoint的功能,例如Get-SPWebApplication。 I've tried Enter-PSSession to connect Powershell remotely, but it doesn't connect. 我尝试了Enter-PSSession来远程连接Powershell,但它没有连接。

I'm new to Sharepoint Online and to Powershell and am really struggling with this. 我是Sharepoint Online和Powershell的新手,对此我真的很挣扎。

Any solutions, tips or tricks appreciated. 任何解决方案,技巧或窍门表示赞赏。

Thanks 谢谢

Ian 伊恩

As for Powershell: you have a very limited number of cmdlets. 至于Powershell:您的cmdlet数量非常有限。 Usually you differentiate between SP cmdlets (for server) and SPO cmdlets (for Sharepoint Online). 通常,您可以区分SP cmdlet(对于服务器)和SPO cmdlet(对于Sharepoint Online)。 Here is a full list of cmdlets: http://office.microsoft.com/en-001/sharepoint-help/introduction-to-the-sharepoint-online-management-shell-HA102915057.aspx 这是cmdlet的完整列表: http : //office.microsoft.com/zh-CN/sharepoint-help/introduction-to-the-sharepoint-online-management-shell-HA102915057.aspx

To connect to SPO you need the Sharepoint Management Shell and connect-sposervice: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/fp161392 要连接到SPO,您需要Sharepoint命令行管理程序和connect-sposervice: http ://technet.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/fp161392

As for the initial problem: have you checked with the site content types and site features if there's something that could help you? 至于最初的问题:您是否检查过网站内容类型和网站功能,是否有什么可以帮助您的?

Are you using site administrator credentials? 您是否正在使用站点管理员凭据? Check in the Portal who is responsible for the site collection you are trying to access. 检入门户网站,谁负责您要访问的网站集。

I am guessing you have one global admin responsible for everything and probably owner of all site collections. 我猜您有一位全球管理员负责所有网站集,并且可能是所有网站集的所有者。 Use global admin to make sure. 使用全局管理员进行确认。 You can test credentials: 您可以测试凭据:

    connect-msolservice -credential $cred

Enter the domain. 输入域。 If it throws an error, these are not admin credentials. 如果抛出错误,则这些不是管理员凭据。

You cannot open HTML files directly from SharePoint Online. 您不能直接从SharePoint Online打开HTML文件。 Here are a couple of workarounds that work out just fine. 这里有一些可行的解决方法。

  1. Open the library in explorer view and then open the htm file from there. 在资源管理器视图中打开库,然后从那里打开htm文件。

  2. Convert the HTML file into ASPX. 将HTML文件转换为ASPX。

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