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[英]how to remove the title bar of a child form in vb.net

I am creating a MdiParent form in vb.net. 我正在vb.net中创建一个MdiParent表单。
For that I have created the child form. 为此,我创建了子窗体。
The child form's FormBorderStyle is none. 子窗体的FormBorderStyle为none。
But while I open it on the MdiParent form, it shows the title bar at the bottom of the MdiParent form. 但是,当我在MdiParent窗体上打开它时,它在MdiParent窗体的底部显示了标题栏。
How can I remove it? 如何删除?

I don't think you are setting the MdiParent. 我认为您没有设置MdiParent。 here is some sample code that works for me: 这是一些对我有用的示例代码:

Private Sub frmParent_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    Me.IsMdiContainer = True

    frmChild.FormBorderStyle = Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None
    frmChild.MdiParent = Me
End Sub

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