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[英]Remote Debugging Error

I've been refactoring some code which was previously working. 我一直在重构一些以前可以正常工作的代码。

Now when debugging I get to a break point in the refactored code and when I step into the Property in question I get a message saying that Windows firewall is currently blocking remote debugging. 现在,当进行调试时,我到达了重构代码的一个断点,而当我进入有问题的属性时,我收到一条消息,指出Windows防火墙当前正在阻止远程调试。

It doesn't make sense because the application is a console application being debugged through visual studio on my local machine. 这没有意义,因为该应用程序是一个控制台应用程序,正在通过本地计算机上的Visual Studio进行调试。 I am using VS2010 and .net 4.0. 我正在使用VS2010和.net 4.0。

Does anyone know why vs might be trying to remote debug? 有谁知道为什么vs可能会尝试远程调试?

what does your code do? 您的代码做什么? does it access any external files and or databases? 它可以访问任何外部文件和/或数据库吗? It could also be an administratrion issue, try rightclicking VS and run as admin first off and see if that fixes the issue. 这也可能是一个管理问题,请尝试右键单击VS,然后首先以admin身份运行,看看是否可以解决该问题。 secondly trace your code and see if there is any links to externals, and thirdly go to windows firewall and change the settings to allow access to Visual studios~ and or databases/.net instances. 其次,跟踪您的代码,查看是否有外部链接,然后转到Windows防火墙并更改设置,以允许访问Visual Studio〜和/或数据库/.net实例。

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