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[英]Vertically Center Icon with CSS

I am building a web site. 我正在建立一个网站。 My web site will have blocks of content. 我的网站将包含内容块。 Each block will have a title, some text, and an icon. 每个块都有一个标题,一些文本和一个图标。 My challenge is, I'm trying to vertically center each icon in the block. 我的挑战是,我正在尝试垂直放置块中的每个图标。 Currently, I have the following HTML or you can look at the jsfiddle . 当前,我有以下HTML或您可以查看jsfiddle

  <div class="row">
    <div class="small-10 columns">
        <h4>The Block Title</h4>
        <em>Some small blurb</em>
        <p>Here is a paragraph relating to this block. It may include a couple of sentences. These sentences will wrap. Ultimately, the heart needs to be vertically centered.</p>

    <div class="small-2 columns">
      <span class="fi-heart" style="font-size:4rem;">&nbsp;</span>

In this code block, I'm using Zurb Foundation to help with layout. 在此代码块中,我将使用Zurb Foundation帮助进行布局。 However, I can't seem to get the heart icon to center vertically in my right column. 但是,我似乎无法使心脏图标在我的右栏中垂直居中。 Does anyone know how I can do this with CSS? 有谁知道我怎么用CSS做到这一点?

Thank you 谢谢

在您的内联样式中为<span class="fi-heart">添加一个line-height属性,其值等于font-size:

font-size:4em; line-height: 4em

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