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[英]Highcharts Zoom in Logarithmic Scale

I was toying around with the Logarithmic Scale in Highcharts. 我在玩海图的对数刻度。 Noticed that the zoom behaves in a weird manner when close to minValue. 注意,接近minValue时,缩放的行为很奇怪。

The fiddle here is a slightly modified example of the original fiddle that Highcharts had for demonstrating a line chart over log scale. 此处小提琴是对Highcharts用来显示对数刻度线图的原始小提琴的略微修改示例。

Here is the code in full for a column chart that utilizes a log scale. 这是使用对数刻度的柱形图的完整代码。

$(function () {
        chart: {
        title: {
            text: 'Logarithmic axis demo'
        xAxis: {
            tickInterval: 1
        yAxis: {
            type: 'logarithmic',
            minorTickInterval: 0.1
        tooltip: {
            headerFormat: '<b>{series.name}</b><br />',
            pointFormat: 'x = {point.x}, y = {point.y}'
        series: [{            
            data: [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512],
            pointStart: 1

Try zooming between .1 and 1 and you'll see that everything disappears but the chart seems to have zoomed somewhere. 尝试在.1到1之间缩放,您会看到所有内容都消失了,但是图表似乎在某个地方缩放了。

Is there an explanation for this behavior? 有这种行为的解释吗?

You need to set minRange parameter 您需要设置minRange参数

yAxis: {
            type: 'logarithmic',
            minorTickInterval: 0.1

http://jsfiddle.net/G6ALa/1/ http://jsfiddle.net/G6ALa/1/

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