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[英]Python: How to extract Drive from Filepath string

If there a pre-defined single-line easy to remember python command that extracts a drive letter from a string filepath useful on both mac and windows?如果有一个预定义的单行易于记忆的 python 命令,它从一个在 mac 和 windows 上都有用的字符串文件路径中提取一个驱动器号?

if MAC:如果 MAC:

filepathString = '/Volumes/Some Documents/The Doc.txt'

would result to :将导致:

myDrive = '/Volumes/transfer'

if WIN:如果获胜:

filepathString = 'c:\Some Documents\The Doc.txt'

would result to :将导致:

myDrive = 'c:'

Try the splitdrive method from the os.path module along with the regular split . 尝试使用os.path模块中的splitdrive方法以及常规split It's not single line, but then again I can't see how the code would know to append transfer to the volume path, or detect if a given path is from Windows or Unix (remember C: is a valid Unix filename). 它不是一行,但是我再也看不到代码如何知道将transfer追加到卷路径,或者检测给定路径是来自Windows还是Unix(记住C:是有效的Unix文件名)。

I think you're going to have to write custom code for this. 我认为您将不得不为此编写自定义代码。 Use platform.system() or platform.uname() to find out what kind of system you're on, then use os.path functions to extract the drive/volume name in a way appropriate to the detected platform. 使用platform.system()platform.uname()来确定您所使用的系统,然后使用os.path函数以适合于检测到的平台的方式提取驱动器/卷的名称。

A sketch: 草图:

def volume_name(path):
    if platform.system() == "Darwin":
        return re.search("^\/Volumes\/[^/]+/", path).group(0)
    elif platform.system() == "Windows":
        return path[0:2]

Simple example(Windows): 简单示例(Windows):

import os
import pathlib
drive = pathlib.Path(os.getcwd()).parts[0]

Pathlib now has a property drive which makes this really easy by calling path.drive Pathlib 现在有一个属性drive ,通过调用path.drive使这变得非常容易

Full Example:完整示例:
from pathlib import Path
path = Path(r'F:\\test\folder\file.txt')

PathLib Documentation link PathLib 文档链接

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