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具有多个条件的 case 语句

[英]Case statement with multiple conditions

I would like to do a count of active participants based on a field called program_code grouped by the name of the manager.我想根据经理姓名分组的名为program_code的字段计算活跃参与者的数量。 But I also want a count of something else in the same query where three conditions have to be met.但我还想在同一个查询中计算其他必须满足三个条件的东西。

select manager_name, 
       sum (case program_code when 'F' then 1 else 0 end) as F, 
       sum (case program_code 
              when 'FS' then 1 
              else 0 
  from table1 
 where status='AC' 
 group by manager_name

But I want a third count of all participants who have a possible_ind='Y' AND date_attended is not null AND status_cd='P'但我希望对所有具有possible_ind='Y' AND date_attended is not null AND status_cd='P'参与者进行第三次计数

I can't put that in a case statement with all those conditions.我不能把它放在具有所有这些条件的case语句中。 Is there a way I can do it?有什么办法可以做到吗? Would it need to be a sub-query in the select clause?是否需要成为select子句中的子查询? I have tried it with a sub-query in the select clause, but it doesn't group it by manager_name .我已经在select子句中使用子查询进行了尝试,但它没有按manager_name对其进行分组。

select manager_name, 
       sum (program_code when 'F' then 1 else 0 end) as F, 
       sum (case program_code 
              when 'FS' then 1 
              else 0 end), 
           (select count(*) 
              from table1 
             where possible_ind='Y' 
               and date_attended is not null 
               and status_cd='P') as NEW 
  from table1 
 where status='AC' 
 group by manager_name

You can omit the expression in your case statement and make your "when" statements more detailed.您可以省略 case 语句中的表达式并使“when”语句更详细。

select manager_name, 
sum (program_code when 'F' then 1 else 0 end) as F, 
sum (case program_code 
    when 'FS' then 1 
    else 0 end), 
sum (case
    when possible_ind='Y' 
        and date_attended is not null 
        and status_cd='P' then 1 else 0 end) as NEW 
from table1 
where status='AC' 
group by manager_name

Refer to Oracle's example for more information.有关详细信息,请参阅Oracle 的示例

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