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[英]Apportable with Spritekit

I'm trying to port a project that uses SpriteKit and I'm having problem with these classes: 我正在尝试移植一个使用SpriteKit的项目,我遇到了这些类的问题:


L_OBJC_CLASSLIST_REFERENCES_$_63: error: undefined reference to 'OBJC_CLASS_$_SKPhysicsBody'

scons: building terminated because of errors.

Does Apportable supports SpriteKit? Apportable是否支持SpriteKit? What should I do? 我该怎么办?

Apportable supports Sprite Kit. Apportable支持Sprite Kit。 But at the time of writing (Feb 2014) it does not yet support physics. 但在撰写本文时(2014年2月),它尚未支持物理学。 You'll have to refrain from referencing/using any SKPhysics* class for now. 您现在必须避免引用/使用任何SKPhysics *类。

UPDATE June 2014: 2014年6月更新

Apportable no longer supports Sprite Kit, current efforts are concentrated on improving cocos2d-iphone / cocos2d-swift and its "apportability". Apportable不再支持Sprite Kit,目前的工作主要集中在改进cocos2d-iphone / cocos2d-swift及其“apportability”。

On 24th May 2014, apportable wrote on their forum that they have removed the partially implemented Sprite Kit: 2014年5月24日,apportable在他们的论坛上写道他们已经删除了部分实现的Sprite Kit:

As of the 1.10.0 release, we have removed the partial implementation of SpriteKit in our SDK. 截至1.10.0版本,我们已在SDK中删除了SpriteKit的部分实现。 While we may add support in a future version of the SDK, we are currently only supporting SpriteBuilder and the Cocos2D game engine in the Starter and Indie versions of the SDK. 虽然我们可能会在SDK的未来版本中添加支持,但我们目前仅支持SDK的Starter和Indie版本中的SpriteBuilder和Cocos2D游戏引擎。

and that they recommend you use Cocos2D or contact them directly about a custom build: 并且他们建议您使用Cocos2D或直接联系他们关于自定义构建:

http://forum.apportable.com/t/spritekit-in-developer-preview/252/7 http://forum.apportable.com/t/spritekit-in-developer-preview/252/7

http://forum.apportable.com/t/spritekit-in-developer-preview/252/5 http://forum.apportable.com/t/spritekit-in-developer-preview/252/5

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