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[英]How can i get json object results in php using php_decode and url

below is my json object result of google api now i want to get url of cover from it which is parameter 'thumbnail' in below json object,but i dont know how can i retrive it can anyone here help me out? 下面是我的谷歌api的json对象结果,现在我想从它获取封面的url,这是json对象下面的参数“ thumbnail”,但是我不知道我该如何找回它,任何人都可以在这里帮助我吗?

         "kind": "books#volumes",
         "totalItems": 1,
         "items": [
           "kind": "books#volume",
           "id": "9VKCkifBlisC",
           "etag": "hhhZjjV6arI",
           "selfLink": "url",
           "volumeInfo": {
            "title": "Instructor's manual to accompany An introduction",
            "authors": [
             "Jean-Paul Tremblay",
             "P. G. Sorenson"
            "publishedDate": "1976",
            "industryIdentifiers": [
              "type": "ISBN_10",
              "identifier": "0070651515"
              "type": "ISBN_13",
              "identifier": "9780070651517"
            "pageCount": 278,
            "printType": "BOOK",
            "categories": [
            "averageRating": 5.0,
            "ratingsCount": 1,
            "contentVersion": "",
            "imageLinks": {
             "smallThumbnail": "url",
            /*this is what i need*/ 
                       "thumbnail": "url"
            "language": "en",
            "previewLink": "url",
            "infoLink": "url",
            "canonicalVolumeLink": "url"
           "saleInfo": {
            "country": "IN",
            "saleability": "NOT_FOR_SALE",
            "isEbook": false
           "accessInfo": {
            "country": "IN",
            "viewability": "NO_PAGES",
            "embeddable": false,
            "publicDomain": false,
            "textToSpeechPermission": "ALLOWED",
            "epub": {
             "isAvailable": false
            "pdf": {
             "isAvailable": false
            "webReaderLink": "url",
            "accessViewStatus": "NONE",
            "quoteSharingAllowed": false

You could do like this.. 你可以这样

$arr = json_decode($json,true);
echo $arr['items'][0]['volumeInfo']['imageLinks']['thumbnail'];

Demo 演示版

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