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Sprite Kit:如何在运行场景的顶部添加场景

[英]Sprite Kit: How to add scene on top of running scene

So I'm working on porting my cocos2d game to Sprite Kit. 因此,我正在努力将cocos2d游戏移植到Sprite Kit。

In cocos2d I had 2 situations where I would overlay a menu over the entire game scene. 在cocos2d中,我有2种情况需要在整个游戏场景上覆盖一个菜单。 The first case is pause, and the second case is game over. 第一种情况是暂停,第二种情况是游戏结束。

In cocos2d for the game over I did 在游戏的cocos2d中,我做到了

CCScene *runningScene = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] runningScene];
WaveEndLayer *waveEndedLayer = [[WaveEndLayer alloc] initWithWon:didWin];
[waveEndedLayer setOpacity:0];
[runningScene addChild:waveEndedLayer z:kZHUD];
CCFadeTo *fadeIn = [CCFadeTo actionWithDuration:0.5 opacity:255];
[waveEndedLayer runAction:fadeIn];

The WaveEndLayer class had some CCMenuItems on it, and cocos2d handled passing the touch events to their handlers. WaveEndLayer类上有一些CCMenuItems,而cocos2d处理了将触摸事件传递给其处理程序的过程。

What is the proper way of doing something like this in sprite kit? 在Sprite Kit中做这样的事情的正确方法是什么?

What should my game over class inherit from ( SKNode , SKView , SKScene )? 我的课堂游戏应该继承什么( SKNodeSKViewSKScene )?

I tried using an SKScene , but you can't have 2 running scenes (or am I wrong?), so I was adding the scene as a child to the main game scene. 我尝试使用SKScene ,但是您不能有2个正在运行的场景(或者我错了吗?),因此我将场景作为儿童添加到了主游戏场景中。 But the touch events were only getting called on the main game scene, not on the game over scene. 但是触摸事件只是在主游戏场景中被调用,而不是在游戏上方场景中被调用。 So I tried something like 所以我尝试了类似

- (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];
    CGPoint location = [touch locationInNode:self];

    if (_gameOver)
        [_gameOverScene touchAtLocation:location];

But for simplicity purposes I'm not resetting the state of everything when I restart a level, I'm just pushing the game scene again, which it didn't like since it was technically still running. 但是为了简单起见,我不会在重新启动关卡时重置所有状态,只是在重新推动游戏场景,这在技术上仍在运行,因此不希望如此。

Anyways, whats the proper way of overlaying a menu that needs touch events? 无论如何,叠加需要触摸事件的菜单的正确方法是什么?

So I ended up using an SKNode for my game over. 因此,我最终在游戏中使用了SKNode。

I add the layer as a child to my game scene in its init method. 我通过其init方法将图层作为孩子添加到游戏场景中。

_gameOverLayer = [[GameOverLayer alloc] initWithSize:size];
_gameOverLayer.alpha = 0;
[self addChild:_gameOverLayer];

My game over method looks like this: 我的游戏结束方法如下所示:

- (void)gameOver
    _gameOver = YES;
    SKAction *fade = [SKAction fadeInWithDuration:0.5];
    [_gameOverLayer runAction:fade];

And then I changed my touch method on my game scene to have this: 然后,我在游戏场景中更改了触摸方式,使其具有以下功能:

- (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];
    CGPoint location = [touch locationInNode:self];

    if (_gameOver)
        [_gameOverLayer touchesEnded:touches withEvent:event];

Everything works perfectly, the game over appears on top of the running game, and can get input. 一切运行正常,游戏结束出现在正在运行的游戏的顶部,并且可以获取输入。

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