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[英]How do I figure out star rotation from a series of photos?

I have a large series (~1000) of wide-angle photos, taken with a medium quality digital camera over a period of 2 hours. 我有一个大系列(约1000张)广角照片,是用中等质量的数码相机在2个小时内拍摄的。 I'd like to automatically figure out the rotation speed and center of rotation (north star), and using that info and the photo's EXIF timestamps, stack all the photos into a single, simulated long exposure photo like the pros do with their fancy motorized telescopes. 我想自动计算出旋转速度和旋转中心(北星),并使用该信息和照片的EXIF时间戳,将所有照片堆叠为一张模拟的长曝光照片,就像专业人士花哨的电动照片一样望远镜。

I've tried StarStaX , but while that does nice median calculations and creates pretty star-trail photos, it doesn't do alignment. 我已经尝试过StarStaX ,但是虽然它可以进行很好的中值计算并创建漂亮的星际旅行照片,但它并没有对齐。 Hugin's cpfind is better at real-world control point detection, and dies when trying to pinpoint star location. 休金(Hugin)的cpfind在现实世界中的控制点检测方面更胜一筹,而在尝试查明恒星位置时却死了。

I think I can do a pretty good job of identifying stars using local brightest points, but I don't remember enough freshman math to take the ~500 vectors aligning the stars between two images and boil that down to a center of rotation and a theta. 我可以使用局部最亮点来识别恒星,做得很好,但是我不记得有足够的新生数学来利用〜500个向量将恒星对准两个图像并将其煮沸到旋转中心和theta 。

Any suggestions? 有什么建议么? Image stabilization code? 图像稳定代码?

Can you post link to 2-3 samples of your star photos? 您可以发布指向2-3张明星照片样本的链接吗? I guess optical flow calculation and then affine transformation (rotation and possible shift) search for this flow will help. 我猜想进行光流计算,然后仿射变换(旋转和可能的偏移)搜索此流将有所帮助。

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