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[英]parallax scrolling issue, using stellar.js

I am developing a static site using parallax effect on it.I use stellar.js for parallax. 我正在开发一个使用视差效果的静态站点。我使用stellar.js进行视差处理。 Everything is working fine but when I open it in Safari then the problem begins, Its so buggy and not smooth at all. 一切正常,但是当我在Safari中打开它时,问题就开始了,它是如此的有缺陷,而且一点也不平滑。 You can check it here- 您可以在这里检查它-

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/126128285/empowered-marketing/index.html https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/126128285/empowered-marketing/index.html

Can anyone please give me the solution of it? 谁能给我解决方案吗?

If you are using Chrome you should look at the console and see that there are quite a few errors like: 如果您使用的是Chrome浏览器,则应查看控制台,看看是否有很多错误,例如:

Uncaught Error: Bootstrap requires jQuery 

which basically means that you need to include jQuery on your page because it's required by Bootstrap. 这基本上意味着您需要在页面上包含jQuery,因为Bootstrap要求使用它。

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < 

you've got "<" somewhere in your JavaScript code which shouldn't be there 您在JavaScript代码中的某个位置出现了“ <”,该位置不应该存在

Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'scrollspy' 

you are trying to use a method which doesn't exist which could be a result of the previous two errors. 您正在尝试使用一种不存在的方法,这可能是前两个错误的结果。

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