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[英]knockout validation ignores errorsAsTitle config for input field

I'm using knockout (3.0.0) with validation (1.0.2), trying to disable "tooltips" which ko-validation generates for a field when it contains an error: 我正在使用带有验证(1.0.2)的剔除(3.0.0),试图禁用ko-validation在包含错误时为字段生成的“工具提示”:


Based on documentation , errorsAsTitle:false should prevent tooltips from displaying, but it seems to ignore false . 根据文档errorsAsTitle:false应该阻止显示工具提示,但是似乎忽略了false

Fiddle illustrating the issue 小提琴说明问题

My current configuration 我当前的配置

  ko.validation.rules.required.message = 'Field(s) are required!';

      registerExtenders: true,
      messagesOnModified: true,
      errorsAsTitle: false,  //<-----problem here
      insertMessages: false,
      decorateElement: true,
      errorElementClass: 'inputError'

  function ViewModel() {
      this.name = ko.observable("").extend({
          required: true

  ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());


Works with latest version on github 在github上使用最新版本

http://jsfiddle.net/q4QCY/56/ http://jsfiddle.net/q4QCY/56/

Version on that cdn is old

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