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[英]A partial class has multiple form

When I write a winforms application, I tend to create an Implementation.cs file for each form. 当我编写winforms应用程序时,我倾向于为每个表单创建一个Implementation.cs文件。

Say I have Form1.cs , I'd create a new file called Form1.Implementation.cs starting with partial class Form1 . 假设我有Form1.cs ,我将创建一个名为Form1.Implementation.cs的新文件,从partial class Form1

Form1.cs just contains all the event callback methods (what the designer has done), everything else goes to Form1.Implementation.cs . Form1.cs只包含所有事件回调方法(设计人员已完成的工作),其他所有内容都包含在Form1.Implementation.cs中 It helps me write more readable code. 它帮助我编写更易读的代码。

I wanted Form1.Implementation.cs to be a "subfile" just like Form1.Designer.cs is, so I edited .csproj file. 我希望Form1.Implementation.cs是一个“子文件”,就像Form1.Designer.cs一样,所以我编辑了.csproj文件。

<Compile Include="Form1.Implementation.cs">

After reload, however, Visual Studio automatically adds <SubType>Form</SubType> right after DependentUpon element. 但是,重新加载后, Visual Studio会自动在DependentUpon元素之后添加<SubType>Form</SubType> Doubleclicking Form1.Implementation.cs doesn't show code but a designer with another initial empty form. 双击Form1.Implementation.cs不显示代码,而是显示另一个初始空表单的设计器。

It's like 就像是

"class Form1 , which ISA Form , is(?) multiple forms." “Form1类,其中ISA ,是(?)多种形式。”

I tried adding DesignerCategory attribute to class Form1 , but it affects Form1.cs , as well. 我尝试DesignerCategory属性添加到类Form1 ,但它也影响Form1.cs

Well, hitting 'Shift-F7' or 'Ctrl-Shift-0' is not a big deal. 好吧,点击'Shift-F7'或'Ctrl-Shift-0'并不是什么大问题。 I wonder if... 我怀疑是否...

  1. it's a glitch of Visual Studio , 这是Visual Studio的一个小故障,
  2. the secondary(?) form really exists somehow, 次要(?)形式确实以某种方式存在,
  3. it's going to blow up my winforms project someday 它有一天会炸毁我的winforms项目

The only way of achieving what you tried is by adding <DependentUpon> , which you already know. 实现您尝试的方法的唯一方法是添加您已经知道的<DependentUpon> Now Visual Studio automatically adds the <SubType>Form</SubType> for any class derived from Form . 现在,Visual Studio会自动为从Form派生的任何类添加<SubType>Form</SubType> Since your Form1.cs probably contains the line public partial class Form1 : Form , this is where the SubType is coming from. 由于您的Form1.cs可能包含行public partial class Form1 : Form ,因此这是SubType的来源。

The other files - Form1.Designer.cs and Form1.Implementation.cs may contain only partial class Form1 , but since partial class definitions across multiple files are still effectively one class definition, Visual Studio detects that it still inherits Form . 其他文件 - Form1.Designer.csForm1.Implementation.cs可能只包含partial class Form1 ,但由于多个文件中的部分类定义仍然是一个类定义,因此Visual Studio检测到它仍然继承了Form I believe you may already know that, but just in case here's the MSDN article about the partial keyword . 我相信你可能已经知道了,但以下是关于partial关键字的MSDN文章 Don't worry about there being multiple instances of Form in this scenario. 不要担心在这种情况下有多个Form实例。 Remember this still is just one class - Form1 , no mater over how many files you spread it. 请记住,这仍然只是一个类 - Form1 ,不管你传播多少个文件。

In the end, all code files containing classes (even partial!) inheriting Form (or UserControl ) are automatically opened in the Designer. 最后,包含继承Form (或UserControl )的类(甚至部分!)的所有代码文件都会在Designer中自动打开。 This behaviour is by design. 此行为是设计使然。

The solution here is simple - either make a code file defining a separate class not based on Form , or just use F7 to view the code of that file in Solution Explorer, however annoying that may seem. 这里的解决方案很简单 - 要么创建一个不基于Form的单独类的代码文件,要么只使用F7在解决方案资源管理器中查看该文件的代码,但这看起来很烦人。 It doesn't matter if that code file is <DependentUpon> anything or not. 如果该代码文件是<DependentUpon>则无关紧要。 Only the inheritance of Form or UserControl matters. 只有FormUserControl的继承很重要。

The best solution though, in my opinion, would be to stick to what Visual Studio is giving you: 在我看来,最好的解决方案是坚持Visual Studio给你的东西:

  • Designer-generated code stays in Form1.Designer.cs Designer生成的代码保留在Form1.Designer.cs中
  • Your code (what you put in Implementation ), goes in Form1.cs (hit F7 to view that code instead of going to the designer) 你的代码(你在实现中提到了什么),在Form1.cs中 (点击F7查看代码而不是去设计师)

This is an approach my team has been sticking to for a few years now. 这是我的团队已经坚持了几年的方法。 It provides a basic means of separation of Designer code and hand-coded actions. 它提供了分离Designer代码和手动编码操作的基本方法。 To better separate your code, use a design pattern such as MVP, as suggested by Simon Whitehead in the comments. 为了更好地分离您的代码,请使用Simon Whitehead在评论中建议的设计模式,如MVP。

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