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[英]My rails app is auto redirecting to https from http in production mode

My Rails application is working fine on dev mode. 我的Rails应用程序在开发模式下运行良好。 In production mode the localhost:3000 is also opening nicely(with http), but on clicking signup link, 在生产模式下,localhost:3000也可以很好地打开(使用http),但是在单击注册链接时,

it's auto redirecting to "https://localhost/signup".

In production.rb file, i have marked 在production.rb文件中,我已标记

config.force_ssl = false 

still it's auto redirecting to https from http. 仍然会自动从http重定向到https。

Few links are working fine, where as in others the url is appended with https and no content is visible. 很少有链接能正常工作,在其他链接中,URL后面附加有https,并且看不到任何内容。 There is no trace in log/terminal for this issue. 在日志/终端中没有此问题的跟踪。 I am using Rails 4. 我正在使用Rails 4。

Do this to find out if you are enforcing HTTPS in your controller or routes. 这样做可以确定您是否在控制器或路由中实施了HTTPS。

$ git grep force_ssl app/controllers
$ git grep https config/routes.rb

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