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[英]WPF drag drop listbox

I'm looking for a WPF drag drop library/article/tutorial that can: 我正在寻找一个WPF拖放库/文章/教程,它可以:

  1. Drag/drop to reorder list box items 拖放以重新排序列表框项目
  2. Animate the panel as item is dragged (as shown in screen shot) 拖动项目时为面板设置动画(如屏幕截图所示)

I've had a quick look at Telerik's DragDropManager, which comes with ListBoxDragDropBehavior. 我已经快速浏览了Telerik的DragDropManager,它带有ListBoxDragDropBehavior。 It provides drag/drop reordering, but not quite the behaviour as in my screenshot. 它提供拖放重新排序,但不完全像我的屏幕截图中的行为。

I would love to learn to write one from scratch eventually (adorners, animated panels, etc), but I'm currently time-constrained to using out-of-the-box libraries. 我很想学习最终从头开始编写一个(装饰,动画面板等),但我现在时间限制使用开箱即用的库。


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The behaviour I'm looking for is the same as Windows 8's start screen 我正在寻找的行为与Windows 8的开始屏幕相同


使用Drag and Drop查看移动WPF DataGrid行,其中显示了如何通过拖放重新排序DataGrid行以及如何自定义拖动指示器。

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