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[英]Get file type description by extension

How can I get the description of the file type like it does in Finder.app by using only file extension? 如何仅使用文件扩展名来获取文件类型的描述,就像在Finder.app中一样? In other words I want to get that field in NSString: 换句话说,我想在NSString中获取该字段:

Here's a little something quick 'n' dirty that illustrates what you need: 以下是一些快速的“ n”表示您需要的东西:

NSOpenPanel *openPanel = [[NSOpenPanel alloc] init];

[openPanel runModal];

NSString *path = [[openPanel URL] path];
NSString *type = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] typeOfFile:path error:NULL];

NSLog(@"%@", [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] localizedDescriptionForType:type]);

The open panel lets you choose a file. 打开面板可以选择一个文件。 NSWorkspace provides for first determining the UTI of the file (given its path), and then using the UTI to get the localized string describing the file type. NSWorkspace提供确定文件的UTI(给定其路径),然后使用UTI获取描述文件类型的本地化字符串。

EDIT: 编辑:

If you positively have got to use only the file extension, then use these three lines instead of the last three above: 如果肯定只需要使用文件扩展名,则使用以下三行而不是上面的最后三行:

NSString *extension = [[[openPanel URL] path] pathExtension];
CFStringRef uti = UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag(kUTTagClassFilenameExtension, (__bridge CFStringRef) extension, NULL);

NSLog(@"%@", [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] localizedDescriptionForType:(__bridge NSString *) uti]);


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