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[英]How to convert the following foreach loop to linq code format?

Code: 码:

foreach (var testView in projectDataCandidate.ViewMaps
                                             .Where(vm => !vm.IsNotTestLane)
      testView.ItemsOrphaned += OnItemsOrphaned;

How to write the above foreach loop in linq code format ? 如何以linq代码格式编写上述foreach循环? Thanks. 谢谢。

    .Where(vm => !vm.IsNotTestLane)
    .ForEach(testView =>
        testView.ItemsOrphaned += OnItemsOrphaned;

As others have already pointed out, you're already using LINQ for your query, and LINQ is for queries rather than commands. 正如其他人已经指出的那样,您已经在使用LINQ进行查询,而LINQ则用于查询而不是命令。

Organise your logic 整理逻辑

I think you're trying to improve the readability of your code. 我认为您正在尝试提高代码的可读性。 To do this, I suggest you extract out the query and command into different class members: 为此,建议您将查询和命令提取到不同的类成员中:

private IEnumerable<ViewMap> TestViews
        return projectDataCandidate.ViewMaps
            .Where(vm => !vm.IsNotTestLane)

private void Process(ViewMap testView)
    testView.ItemsOrphaned += OnItemsOrphaned;

Simplify your loop 简化循环

Then your logic becomes the following, which is easy to read: 然后,您的逻辑将变得很容易理解:

private void ProcessTestViews()
    foreach (var testView in TestViews)

Make your loop declarative 使您的循环声明

If you still don't like the look of the foreach , you could do this, which I think is even easier to read: 如果您仍然不喜欢foreach的外观,则可以执行此操作,我认为它更易于阅读:

private void ProcessTestViews()

Remove redundant ToList 删除多余的ToList

If you don't want to convert the result to a List since it's not really needed, you could write an extension method to provide ForEach for IEnumerable<T> : 如果您不想将结果转换为List因为它不是真正需要的,则可以编写扩展方法来为IEnumerable<T>提供ForEach

public static class IEnumerableExtensions
    public static void ForEach<T>(this IEnumerable<T> elements, Action<T> action)
        foreach (var element in elements)

This allows you to simplify your method a bit further: 这使您可以进一步简化方法:

private void ProcessTestViews()

try 尝试

projectDataCandidate.ViewMaps.Where(vm => !vm.IsNotTestLane)
                                             .Select(this.GenerateTestView).ForEach(xx=>xx.Your logic)

The only way to do this that I can see is to force execution with a ToList, then use the ForEach function. 我可以看到的唯一方法是使用ToList强制执行,然后使用ForEach函数。

var objects = projectDataCandidate.ViewMaps
    .Where(vm => !vm.IsNotTestLane)

objects.ForEach(a => SwimLaneViews.Add(a));
objects.ForEach(a => a.ItemsOrphaned += OnItemsOrphaned);

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