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[英]iOS - Fixed Header Position Shifts When Checkbox Closes Keyboard

I have noted other Q & A strings similar to my problem, however nothing quite the same nor resolving my exact issue. 我注意到其他与我的问题类似的“问答”字符串,但是没有完全相同的问题,也没有解决我的确切问题。

I have a text area and beneath that are 2 checkboxes. 我有一个文本区域,下面是2个复选框。

When on an iOS device & inputting to the text field (the virtual keyboard displays), the 'fixed' header remains in place, and when clicking 'Done' on the keyboard the header still remains in place correctly. 在iOS设备上并输入文本字段(显示虚拟键盘)时,“固定”标题保留在原位置,而在键盘上单击“完成”时,标题仍保留在原处。

My issue is once someone has entered text into the field and prior clicking done, the user unchecks a checkbox. 我的问题是,一旦有人在该字段中输入了文本,并且在单击完成之前,用户便取消了一个复选框。 This causes the header to shift down. 这导致标题向下移动。

It seems as though the focusout/blur of the text area to the checkbox closes the keyboard and dispositions the header. 文本框的焦点突出显示/模糊似乎关闭了键盘并放置了标题。

It then can return to the correct fixed position if the user taps the screen. 然后,如果用户点击屏幕,它可以返回到正确的固定位置。 - Again, something not registering with the in between states of focus & blur. -同样,在聚焦和模糊状态之间没有出现某些现象。

Any help would much be appreciated. 任何帮助将不胜感激。

Thanks, 谢谢,

Img 1: Entering text into the text area. 图1:在文本区域中输入文本。 Img 2: Clicking done post inputting text - removing the keyboard. 图2:在输入文字后单击完成-卸下键盘。 Img 3: Entering text into the text area, then unchecking a checkbox - removing the keyboard & 'shifting' the header's position. 图3:在文本区域中输入文本,然后取消选中复选框-移开键盘并“移动”标题位置。



<div class="tweet-inputs">
                <textarea name="tweet" class="tweet-field" placeholder="Share your thoughts..." maxlength="140" ng-model="tweetStatus"></textarea>
            <div class="clearfix">

            <div class="check">
                    <input type="checkbox" value=" "name="auto-tag" ng-model="autoHash"/>Auto Hashtag  #MakeDid
                    <input type="checkbox" value=" "name="auto-tag" ng-model="autoHash2"/>Auto Hashtag  #DesignIndaba

                <a value="POST" class="tweet-btn nav-btn" ng-click="sendTweet(tweetStatus, autoHash, autoHash2, replyOn)">POST</a><span class="spinning"></span> 


.header-wrapper {
background: #7a7575;
z-index: 99;
box-shadow: none;
text-align: center;
color: white;
height: 75px;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;

JS (I've included but doesn't seem to work): JS(我已经收录了,但似乎没有用):

$('input[type="checkbox"]').on('focus', function(){
    $('header-wrapper').css({position:'absolute', top: '0'})
$('input[type="checkbox"]').on('blur', function(){

The issue appears to be related to how iOS handles fixed-positioned elements when the keyboard appears. 该问题似乎与出现键盘时iOS如何处理固定位置的元素有关。 It seems that iOS makes fixed-position elements absolutely positioned and applies calculated coordinates such that it would APPEAR to be in the same place. 看来iOS使固定位置的元素绝对定位并应用计算出的坐标,使得它看起来像在同一位置。

You can see this in the case of a fixed header on a page with a form (eg., a billing address page). 在带有表单的页面(例如,帐单邮寄地址页面)上固定标题的情况下,您会看到此信息。 If you tap into a lower field to access the keyboard and then scroll back up the page, the fixed header is hanging out there, obscuring some of the form... 如果您点击下面的字段来访问键盘,然后向后滚动页面,则固定的标题会在那里悬挂,从而使某些表格变得晦涩...

It looks like there's another issue at play in this case, and that's when the user immediately focuses from a keyboard input (text, text area, email, etc.) to a checkbox, whereby the fixed positioned element doesn't lose it's faux absolute position. 在这种情况下,似乎还有另一个问题在起作用,那就是用户立即将焦点从键盘输入(文本,文本区域,电子邮件等)集中到复选框,从而固定位置的元素不会失去它的人造绝对值。位置。 Not sure if that's a bug in iOS or what, but it certainly is a rendering inconsistency. 不知道这是iOS中的错误还是什么,但这肯定是渲染不一致。

My workaround for this is to force a re-draw of the page (jQuery): 我的解决方法是强制重新绘制页面(jQuery):

$('[type="checkbox"]').on('click', function() {
    window.setTimeout(function() {
    }, 20);

The setTimeout is required, as I think it forces enough of a delay for the page to reposition itself before you kick it back into submission. setTimeout是必需的,因为我认为它会迫使页面重新定位,然后再将其踢回到提交之前。 Trying the fix without setTimeout didn't work for me at all. 在没有setTimeout的情况下尝试修复根本不适合我。

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