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CISCO H264图像到H264编码系列

[英]CISCO H264 Encoding series of Images to H264

I am searching for a command line argument to convert series of Images into H264 using CISCO H264. 我正在搜索命令行参数,以使用CISCO H264将一系列图像转换为H264。 (Something like FFMPEG image to video functionality). (类似于FFMPEG图像到视频的功能)。 Unfortunately, I cant use FFMPEG as I am creating a commercial application, where I use the installed codec in the client system to encode series of Images into H264. 不幸的是,我无法在创建商业应用程序时使用FFMPEG,而是在客户端系统中使用已安装的编解码器将一系列图像编码为H264。 I guess FFMPEG doesnt have the licencing for H264 Binaries as CISCO H264 has which pays the Royalty for MPEGLA. 我猜FFMPEG没有H264 Binaries的许可,而CISCO H264却为MPEGLA支付了版权费。 If I am not mistaken. 如果我没有记错的话。 Would be great to have suggestions in both regards. 在这两个方面都有建议将是很棒的。

Depending on how you intend to use it, OpenH264 can be compiled and used in your free software. 根据您打算如何使用它,OpenH264可以在您的自由软件中进行编译和使用。 Full details can be found here: 完整的细节可以在这里找到:

https://vimeo.com/79578794 https://vimeo.com/79578794

As the video says, when coding your own application/software, there are two scenarios this covers: 如视频所示,在编写自己的应用程序/软件时,涉及两种情况:

1) You are free to use the OpenH264 source code directly in your app. 1)您可以自由在您的应用程序中直接使用OpenH264源代码。 The MPEG-LA patent royalties that arise from this do still apply even though your application is free (see citation below). 即使您的应用程序是免费的,由此产生的MPEG-LA专利使用费也仍然适用(请参见下面的引用)。 The software license of your app does not matter - it may be open, closed, or even commercial. 您的应用程序的软件许可并不重要-它可以是开放的,关闭的,甚至是商业的。 Also, whether you sell it or not doesn't matter. 同样,是否出售也无所谓。 What matters is how many units you actually distribute. 重要的是您实际分配了多少单位。 Yet, it is not as bad as you think. 但是,它并不像您想的那样糟糕。 If you distribute <100,000 units per year, you will pay no royalties (see MPEG-LA license terms). 如果您每年分发少于100,000个单位,则无需支付任何专利使用费(请参阅MPEG-LA许可条款)。 Thus, if you write free (as in no cost) software, you can compile OpenH264 directly, and don't need to force your user to retrieve a plug-in, and don't need to worry about lawyers until you're >100,000 units distributed. 因此,如果您编写免费(免费)的软件,则可以直接编译OpenH264,而无需强迫用户检索插件,也不必担心律师,直到您>分发了100,000个单位。

2) If you wish to avoid the MPEG-LA royalties, you should not compile the OpenH264 source code, but must allow the end user the ability to download the OpenH264 plug-in binaries for your application. 2)如果您希望避免MPEG-LA专利使用费,则不应编译OpenH264源代码,而必须让最终用户能够为您的应用程序下载OpenH264插件二进制文件。 You distribute your own compiled application. 您分发自己的已编译应用程序。 You don't distribute the plug-in binaries directly, but may point your user to them, or even have your app give the user to option of retrieving them. 您不会直接分发插件二进制文件,而是可能将您的用户指向他们,甚至让您的应用程序为用户提供检索它们的选项。 Most importantly, decision to retrieve the OpenH264 plug-in must reside with the end user when installing or running your app. 最重要的是,在安装或运行应用程序时,最终用户必须决定是否要检索OpenH264插件。 Cisco is paying the end-user royalties that arise from the OpenH264 plugin, and since your commercial app only loads up the plugin, they can do that for you. 思科将支付OpenH264插件产生的最终用户使用费,并且由于您的商业应用程序仅加载了该插件,因此他们可以为您做到这一点。

Again, you are free to choose either option above. 同样,您可以自由选择以上任一选项。 In both cases, it doesn't matter whether your app is open, closed, free or commercial. 在这两种情况下,您的应用程序是打开,关闭,免费还是商业都无关紧要。 What matters is how you'd like to cover the distribution royalties. 重要的是您希望如何支付发行版税。 Option 1, you pay them based on how many downloads your software gets (not how many sold). 选择1,您根据软件下载量(而不是销售量)来支付费用。 Option 2, Cisco pays them if your app links to their plug-in which is retrieved by choice by your app user. 如果您的应用程序链接到其插件(由您的应用程序用户选择检索),思科会向选项2支付费用。

More sources: 更多来源:

http://robert.ocallahan.org/2010/01/h264-licensing-and-free-software_29.html http://robert.ocallahan.org/2010/01/h264-licensing-and-free-software_29.html

(Please note, I am not a lawyer. This is my own technical interpretation of the Cisco H.264 video and the MPEG-LA licensing agreement. The final bottom line is, if you distribute over >100,000 units, for whatever software license or pay structure, talk to a lawyer. Less than that, don't worry much.) (请注意,我不是律师。这是我对Cisco H.264视频和MPEG-LA许可协议的技术解释。最后的底线是,如果您分发的数量超过100,000个,则无论使用何种软件许可或薪资结构,与律师交谈。除此之外,不必担心。)

First you need to understand the legal around open264. 首先,您需要了解有关open264的法律。 You can not compile it. 您不能编译它。 Only versions compiled by cisco are covered by ciscos existing license. ciscos现有许可证仅涵盖由cisco编译的版本。 You can not distribute it. 您无法分发。 If you distribute an app that uses it, it can not be part of your installer. 如果分发使用该应用程序的应用程序,则该应用程序不能成为安装程序的一部分。 Your app must download the binary from cisco. 您的应用程序必须从cisco下载二进制文件。 Open264 is a library, not an executable, You need to create your own executable. Open264是一个库,不是可执行文件,您需要创建自己的可执行文件。 You will also need libraries to read the images and convert them to the correct colorspace.Finally, The cisco encoder produces very poor quality video as apposed to x264. 您还需要库来读取图像并将其转换为正确的色彩空间。最后,cisco编码器会产生质量很差的视频(与x264并置)。 I would suggest just paying for a x264 license, as well as mpeg-la royalties. 我建议仅支付x264许可证以及mpeg-la版税。 They are probably not as expensive as you think. 它们可能不像您想象的那样昂贵。

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