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[英]require.js and backbone.js getting Uncaught TypeError

i'm trying to write a simple app using backbone.js, that in the end shall save the models in an indexedDB and display them. 我试图使用骨干.js编写一个简单的应用程序,最后将模型保存在indexedDB中并显示它们。 I loosely based it on the todo app in the backbone examples. 我在骨干示例中大致基于todo应用。 It is working fine when i'm not using require.js. 当我不使用require.js时,它工作正常。

When i'm trying to use require though i get an Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method 'on' error that seems to point to the point where i add some eventlisteners in one of my views. 当我尝试使用require时,尽管遇到了Uncaught TypeError:Object#没有方法“ on”错误,这似乎指向我在其中一个视图中添加一些eventlistener的地步。

My Files are ordered like this: In the folder "js" are the folders "app", "lib" and "tpl" and the main.js. 我的文件的排序如下:在文件夹“ js”中是文件夹“ app”,“ lib”和“ tpl”以及main.js。 In app are a folder "controller" with the taskItemView and the taskListView, and a folder "model" with my taskModel.js and the database.js. 在应用程序中是带有taskItemView和taskListView的文件夹“ controller”,以及带有taskModel.js和database.js的文件夹“ model”。 In the folder "lib" are my external libraries, backbone, underscore, jquery, json2, require, text, the adapter for the indexedDB backbone-indexeddb.js and a shim for browsers that only support websql, IndexedDBShim.js. 在“ lib”文件夹中是我的外部库,主干网,下划线,jquery,json2,require,文本,用于indexedDB主干网的索引适配器-indexeddb.js和用于仅支持websql的浏览器的Shim,IndexedDBShim.js。

This is my main.js, where i'm trying to configure require. 这是我的main.js,我正在尝试配置require。

baseUrl: "js/lib",

paths: {
    app: '../app',
    tpl: '../tpl'

shim: {
    'backbone': {
        deps: ['underscore', 'jquery'],
        exports: 'Backbone'
    'underscore': {
        exports: '_'
    'backbone-indexeddb': {
    'IndexedDBShim': {

    ['backbone', 'app/router'], function ( Backbone, Router) {
        var router = new Router();

I am getting the error on line 22 in my taskListView, here. 我在这里的taskListView的第22行出现错误。

define(function (require) {
"use strict";
var $           = require('jquery'),
    Backbone    = require('backbone'),
    _           = require('underscore'),
    //Template    = require('text!tpl/taskListView.html'),
    taskList    = require('app/model/taskModel');

//the collection for our tasks
//var Tasks = new TaskList;

//this will handle all the user inputs and the output for the gui.
 return Backbone.View.extend({
    el: $("#taskApp"),
    //on enter keypress fires createOnEnter
    events: {
        "keypress #taskInput": "createOnEnter",
    //initializes the app
    initialize: function () {
        this.listenTo(taskList, 'add', this.addOne); //this is where the error comes from.
        this.listenTo(taskList, 'all', this.render);
        //get the template
        //var template = _.template(Template);
        template: _.template($('#taskListView').html()),
        //apply template
        //get text input field
        this.input = this.$("#taskInput");

        this.main = $('#main');
        //fetch old entries
    //renders the main section
    render: function () {
    //appends an item to the list
    addOne: function (taskModel) {
        var view = new taskItemView({
            model: taskModel
    //creates a new item from the text input field
    createOnEnter: function (e) {
        //check for valid input (enter)
        if (e.keyCode != 13) return;
        //check if input is empty
        if (!this.input.val()) return;
        //get data
        var inputData = this.input.val();
        //creates and adds new item to collection
            title: inputData
        //clear input field

Just for completion, this is my taskItemView: 只是为了完成,这是我的taskItemView:

define(function (require){
"use strict";
var $           = require('lib/jquery'),
    _           = require('lib/underscore'),
    Backbone    = require('lib/backbone');
    //Template    = require('lib/text!tpl/taskItemTemplate.html');

//manage task items and binding
return Backbone.View.extend({
    tagName: "li",
    classname: "topcoat-list__item",

    //template used for task Items       
    template: _.template($('#taskItemView').html()),
    //template: _.template(Template),

    //initialize, create listener for changes in model
    initialize: function () {
        this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.render);

    //use template to display task items
    render: function () {
        //fetch JSON representation of model
        var modelJSONrepresentation = this.model.toJSON();
        //inject into template
        var templating = this.template(modelJSONrepresentation);
        //apply template
        return this;

My Model: 我的模特:

define(function (require) {
"use strict";

    var $               = require('jquery'),
        Backbone        = require('backbone'),
        //taskDatabase    = require('app/model/database'),

        //manage task items
        task = Backbone.Model.extend({
            //bind indexedDB
            //database: taskDatabase,
            //storeName: "tasks",
            defaults: function () {
                return {
                    title: "test"
        //manage list of tasks
        taskList = Backbone.Collection.extend({
            //bind model
            model: task,
            //bind indexedDB
            //database: taskDatabase,
            //storeName: "tasks"
    return {
        task: task,
        taskList: taskList

The Database Manager, 数据库管理器

define(function (require){
"use strict";

//create indexedDB 
var taskDatabase = {
    id: "taskDataBase4",
    description: "The Database used in the TaskList App",
    migrations: [{
        version: 1,
        migrate: function (transaction, next) {
            var store = undefined;
            //create store if it doesn't exist already
            if (!transaction.db.objectStoreNames.contains("tasks")) {
                store = transaction.db.createObjectStore("tasks")
            store = transaction.objectStore("tasks");


And my router. 还有我的路由器。 i didn't use one in the non-require.js app, but i must use one here. 我没有在non-require.js应用程序中使用过一个,但是我必须在这里使用一个。

define(function (require){

"use strict";

var $               = require('jquery'),
    Backbone        = require('backbone'),
    TaskListView    = require('app/controller/taskListView');

    taskListView = new TaskListView();

    return Backbone.Router.extend({
        routes: {
            "": "home"

        home: function() {

I'm at a loss and forever grateful. 我茫然,永远感激不已。

Edit: The full error stack: 编辑:完整的错误堆栈:

    Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'on' backbone.js:226
Events.(anonymous function) backbone.js:226
Backbone.View.extend.initialize taskListView.js:22
Backbone.View backbone.js:1002
child backbone.js:1567
(anonymous function) router.js:9
context.execCb require.js:1650
Module.check require.js:866
(anonymous function) require.js:1113
(anonymous function) require.js:132
(anonymous function) require.js:1156
each require.js:57
Module.emit require.js:1155
Module.check require.js:917
(anonymous function) require.js:1113
(anonymous function) require.js:132
(anonymous function) require.js:1156
each require.js:57
Module.emit require.js:1155
Module.check require.js:917
(anonymous function) require.js:1113
(anonymous function) require.js:132
(anonymous function) require.js:1156
each require.js:57
Module.emit require.js:1155
Module.check require.js:917
Module.enable require.js:1143
Module.init require.js:774
callGetModule require.js:1170
context.completeLoad require.js:1544

listenTo method needs an instance of model as the first parameter, instead variable taskList is being passed which contains definition of model. listenTo方法需要模型的实例作为第一个参数,而是传递包含模型定义的变量taskList。 Please create an instance of model and then pass it to the listenTo method. 请创建模型的实例,然后将其传递给listenTo方法。

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