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[英]How can I import a node module into my backbone.js app?

I'm trying to wrap my head around node.js modules, require, and how to use modules in a backbone.js app. 我正在尝试围绕node.js模块,需求以及如何在骨干.js应用程序中使用模块展开讨论。

Right now I am using an express server which starts off with the code: 现在,我正在使用一个以代码开头的快递服务器:

var express = require('express'),
http = require('http'),
config = require("./config"),
oauth = require("oauth"),
bcrypt = require("bcrypt"),
sqlite = require("sqlite3"),
_ = require("underscore"),
exec = require('child_process').exec,

app = express(),
server = http.createServer(app).listen( process.env.PORT || config.port);

and then I have a router.js file that defines ALL views and models. 然后我有一个定义所有视图和模型的router.js文件。

config.js file that looks like this: 如下所示的config.js文件:


baseUrl: '/',

paths: {
    'util'                : 'assets/lib/util',
    'jquery'              : 'assets/lib/jquery',
    'underscore'          : 'assets/lib/underscore',         
    'backbone'            : 'assets/lib/backbone'

shim: {
    'underscore'          : { exports  : '_' },
    'backbone'            : { deps : ['underscore', 'jquery'], exports : 'Backbone' },
    'bootstrap'           : { deps : ['jquery'], exports : 'Bootstrap' },
    'parsley'             : { deps: ['jquery'] },
    'socket'              : { deps : ['underscore', 'jquery'], exports : 'socket' }



My router.js file starts off like this (I took out a bunch of code) 我的router.js文件像这样开始(我拿出了一堆代码)

define(['app','jquery','underscore','backbone',], function(app, $, _, Backbone){

var WebRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({

  routes: {
    "":     "index"

  initialize: function(options) {


return WebRouter;

and I'll just throw in my main.js file for good measure 我会把我的main.js文件丢进去

function(app, WebRouter, SettingsModel) {

// Just use GET and POST to support all browsers
Backbone.emulateHTTP = true;

app.router = new WebRouter();

Backbone.history.start({ pushState: true, root: app.root });

}); });

Alright now here comes the tricky part. 好了,现在到了棘手的部分。 I want to use a node module, specifically the twitter-js-client module found at https://github.com/BoyCook/TwitterJSClient 我想使用一个节点模块,特别是在https://github.com/BoyCook/TwitterJSClient中找到的twitter-js-client模块

so in my TwitterView.js, I can run the following code: 因此,在我的TwitterView.js中,我可以运行以下代码:

var twitter = new Twitter(config);

steps I've tried 我尝试过的步骤

  • putting twitter-js-client in my package.json, running npm install, it installs fine but I don't know how to access the module 将twitter-js-client放在我的package.json中,运行npm install,它安装得很好,但是我不知道如何访问该模块
  • manually running npm install twitter-js-client, can't run it for reasons above 手动运行npm install twitter-js-client,由于上述原因无法运行
  • manually linking the keyword "twitter" to the Twitter.js file of npm module 手动将关键字“ twitter”链接到npm模块的Twitter.js文件
    • this works, but then I get an error such as "node module oauth is not loaded yet use _. require for context" 这行得通,但随后出现错误,例如“未加载节点模块oauth尚未使用_。
    • I notice in the twitter.js file, it is requiring a number of packages including oauth 我在twitter.js文件中注意到,它需要许多软件包,包括oauth

I am somewhat new to Node/backbone, and I'm looking for clarification of how Node,Require and Backbone all work with eachother. 我对Node / backbone有点陌生,我正在寻找有关Node,Require和Backbone如何相互配合的说明。 If anyone has any tips or constructive criticism on how to structure this app, I would greatly appreciate it. 如果有人对如何构建此应用程序有任何建议或建设性的批评,我将不胜感激。 And if there are any solutions to loading the NPM module within a backbone view, I would be very grateful. 如果有在骨干网视图中加载NPM模块的解决方案,我将不胜感激。 Do I need a package manager like bower? 我需要像bower这样的软件包管理器吗? I have no problems with Jquery, and underscore, but I can't seem to load this npm module. 我对Jquery和下划线没有任何问题,但似乎无法加载此npm模块。

Thanks! 谢谢!

You can use browserify . 您可以使用browserify

  • Write you client side scripts with require statements. 用require语句编写客户端脚本。

     var Twitter = require('twitter').Twitter; 
  • run browserify against your scripts to generate a single bundle.js file 针对脚本运行browserify以生成单个bundle.js文件

  • include the resulting file on your page. 在页面上添加结果文件。

     <script src="bundle.js"></script> 

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