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在fortran 95中初始化向量

[英]Initializing vector in fortran 95

I am using a external program that is run by a script. 我正在使用由脚本运行的外部程序。 The script require a direction vector to be specified - this is how programs manual describes it: 该脚本需要指定方向向量-这是程序手册对此的描述方式:

real(kind=dp) :: direction(3)

So when running the program script I specify: 因此,在运行程序脚本时,我指定:

direction = (/0.5,0.5,0.5/)

The program yields an error saying it can't read the direction vector - could you tell if I am doing something wrong or this is actually a bug. 该程序产生一个错误,表明它无法读取方向向量-您能否确定我做错了还是这实际上是一个错误。 Thank you. 谢谢。

This 这个

direction = (/0.5,0.5,0.5/)

is syntactically correct for a Fortran statement to set the values of the direction array. 从语法上来说,对于Fortran语句设置direction数组的值是正确的。 But it is not syntactically correct in a namelist file. 但这在名称列表文件中在语法上不正确。 In such a file either 在这样的文件中

direction = 3*0.5

or 要么

direction = 0.5,0.5,0.5

is correct. 是正确的。

Comments turned into an answer not for vainglory but so that future generations will find a question answered. 评论变成了不是虚荣的答案,而是子孙后代才能找到答案的问题。

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