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在Ubuntu 12.04上具有webp支持的魔杖

[英]Wand with webp support on Ubuntu 12.04

I am trying to use Wand ( http://docs.wand-py.org/en/0.3.5/ ) library to transform images server side. 我正在尝试使用Wand( http://docs.wand-py.org/en/0.3.5/ )库来转换图像服务器端。

I installed libmagickwand-dev on my Ubuntu server. 我在Ubuntu服务器上安装了libmagickwand-dev。

I can work with jpg and png images but I get an error message when trying to transform a webp image: 我可以使用jpg和png图像,但是在尝试转换webp图像时收到错误消息:

no decode delegate for this image format `' @ error/blob.c/BlobToImage/346

Any idea how to get Want support webp images on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS? 知道如何在Ubuntu 12.04 LTS上获取Want支持的Webp图像吗?

UPDATE: I have also installed libwebp-dev, still getting the same error. 更新:我还安装了libwebp-dev,仍然出现相同的错误。

Found answer here: 在这里找到答案:

https://askubuntu.com/questions/251950/imagemagick-convert-cant-convert-to-webp/251954#251954 https://askubuntu.com/questions/251950/imagemagick-convert-cant-convert-to-webp/251954#251954

Unfortunately due to a bug in Ubuntu I had to recompile imagemagick myself. 不幸的是,由于Ubuntu中的一个错误,我不得不自己重新编译imagemagick。

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