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[英]How to create valid preloader with jQuery, which can preload mp3 file to browser cache?

I have a simple drawing spectrum on a website http://alldev.eu/html/mp3/index.phtml , which loads to browser cache a song and plays it after it's fully downloaded. 我在一个网站http://alldev.eu/html/mp3/index.phtml上有一个简单的绘图光谱,它加载到浏览器缓存一首歌并在完全下载后播放它。

I've made a pre-loader for my site which displays a message and an image for 7 seconds while the song is being loaded. 我为我的网站制作了一个预加载器,在加载歌曲时显示一条消息和一个图像7秒钟。 Unfortunately, it doesn't work in the way I'd like to since 7 seconds might not be enough time to load a song (for instance, a test song with 11 Megabytes) 不幸的是,它不能按照我想要的方式工作,因为7秒可能没有足够的时间来加载歌曲(例如,一首11兆字节的测试歌曲)

How can I rebuild my site to pre-load all data? 如何重建我的网站以预加载所有数据? My current script is below: 我目前的脚本如下:

<!DOCTYPE html>

        <meta charset="UTF-8"></meta>
        <title>Shiny Toy Guns - Major Tom</title>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.0.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            (function($) {
                    jqbar: function(options) {
                        var DefaultSpeedOfAnimation = 7000;
                        var settings = $.extend({
                            SpeedOfAnimation: DefaultSpeedOfAnimation,
                            LengthOfBar: 200,
                            barWidth: 10,
                            barColor: 'red',
                            label: '&nbsp;',
                            value: 100
                        }, options);
                        return this.each(function() {
                            var valueLabelHeight = 0;
                            var ContainerProgress = $(this);
                            ContainerProgress.addClass('jqbar horizontal').append('<div class="bar-label"></div><div class="bar-level-wrapper"><div class="bar-level"></div></div><div class="bar-percent"></div>');
                            var progressLabel = ContainerProgress.find('.bar-label').html(settings.label);
                            var progressBar = ContainerProgress.find('.bar-level').attr('data-value', settings.value);
                            var progressBarWrapper = ContainerProgress.find('.bar-level-wrapper');
                                height: settings.barWidth,
                                width: 0,
                                backgroundColor: settings.barColor
                            var valueLabel = ContainerProgress.find('.bar-percent');

                            function animateProgressBar(progressBar) {
                                var level = parseInt(progressBar.attr('data-value'));
                                if (level > 100) {
                                    level = 100;
                                    alert('max value cannot exceed 100 percent');
                                var w = settings.LengthOfBar * level / 100;
                                    width: w
                                }, {
                                    duration: DefaultSpeedOfAnimation,
                                    step: function(currentWidth) {
                                        var percent = parseInt(currentWidth / settings.LengthOfBar * 100);
                                        if (isNaN(percent)) percent = 0;
                                        ContainerProgress.find('.bar-percent').html(percent + '%');
            body {
                text-align: center;
                background-color: black;
                color: white;
            footer {
                float: center;
                bottom: 0;
                position: absolute;
                color: #FFFFFF;
                font: bold 1.2em/2.5 arial;
                width: 99%;
            .jqbar {
                position: relative;
                top: 100px;
            .jqbar.horizontal div {
                display: inline-block;
                margin-left: 5px;
                font-size: 11px;
                font-weight: bold;
            .jqbar.horizontal .bar-percent {
                font-size: 11px;
                font-weight: bold;
                height: 20px;
                margin-bottom: 5px;
            #progressbar {
                width: 400px;
                height: 22px;
                border: 1px solid #000;
                background-color: #292929;
            #progressbar div {
                height: 100%;
                color: #FFF;
                text-align: center;
                line-height: 22px;
                width: 0;
                background-color: #0099FF;
            #preloader {
                position: absolute;
                top: 0;
                left: 0;
                right: 0;
                bottom: 0;
                color: #FFF;
                z-index: 99;
                height: 100%;
            #status {
                width: 200px;
                height: 200px;
                position: absolute;
                left: 50%;
                top: 50%;
                background-color: #000;
                background-repeat: no-repeat;
                background-position: center;
                margin: -100px 0 0 -100px;

    <body onload="hide_preloader();">
        <div id="preloader">
            <div id="status">Wait for MP3 Load...
                <img src="http://alldev.eu/html/images/Loader.gif" />
                <div id="bar-1"></div>
                <canvas id="music" width="1024" height="250" style="display: block;"></canvas>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            jQuery(window).load(function() {

            $(document).ready(function() {
                    SpeedOfAnimation: 7000,
                    label: 'Loading...',
                    value: 100,
                    barColor: '#FFF',
                    barWidth: 20

            if (!window.AudioContext) {
                if (!window.webkitAudioContext) {
                    alert('AudioContext not found!');
                window.AudioContext = window.webkitAudioContext;
            var context = new AudioContext();
            var audioBuffer;
            var sourceNode;
            var analyser;
            var javascriptNode;
            var ctx = $("#music").get()[0].getContext("2d");
            var gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 325);

            gradient.addColorStop(1, '#FFFFFF');
            gradient.addColorStop(0.75, '#00FFFF');
            gradient.addColorStop(0.25, '#0000FF');
            gradient.addColorStop(0, '#000000');


            function setupAudioNodes() {
                javascriptNode = context.createScriptProcessor(2048, 1, 1);
                analyser = context.createAnalyser();
                analyser.smoothingTimeConstant = 0.75; //0.5;
                analyser.fftSize = 512;
                sourceNode = context.createBufferSource();

            $(document).ready(function() {
                    url: "soundfile.mp3",
                    success: function() {

            function loadSound(url) {
                var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
                request.open('GET', url, true);
                request.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
                request.onload = function() {
                    context.decodeAudioData(request.response, function(buffer) {
                    }, onError);

            function playSound(buffer) {
                sourceNode.buffer = buffer;

            function onError(e) {

            javascriptNode.onaudioprocess = function() {
                var array = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);
                ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 1024, 325);
                ctx.fillStyle = gradient;

            function drawSpectrum(array) {
                for (var i = 0; i < (array.length); i++) {
                    var value = array[i];
                    ctx.fillRect(i * 5, 325 - value, 3, 325);


you can give preloadJS a try. 你可以尝试preloadJS。 http://www.createjs.com/#!/PreloadJS http://www.createjs.com/#!/PreloadJS

here's some code from their documentation to get you started: 这里是他们的文档中的一些代码,可以帮助您入门:

var queue = new createjs.LoadQueue();
 queue.on("complete", handleComplete, this);
 queue.loadFile({id:"sound", src:"http://path/to/sound.mp3"});
     {id: "myImage", src:"path/to/myImage.jpg"}
 function handleComplete() {
     var image = queue.getResult("myImage");

Check for JWPlayer API, you can have access to a method getBuffer() , which returns the current buffered state for your audio file : http://www.longtailvideo.com/support/jw-player/28851/javascript-api-reference/ 检查JWPlayer API,您可以访问getBuffer()方法,该方法返回音频文件的当前缓冲状态: http//www.longtailvideo.com/support/jw-player/28851/javascript-api-reference /

But this requires to use JWplayer to play / handle your audio file, as it's not included in the audio object : http://www.w3schools.com/tags/av_prop_buffered.asp 但这需要使用JWplayer播放/处理您的音频文件,因为它不包含在音频对象中: http//www.w3schools.com/tags/av_prop_buffered.asp

EDIT : 编辑:

I took some time to make it work, see the fiddle :) : http://jsfiddle.net/uKZ8N/ 我花了一些时间让它工作,看到小提琴:): http//jsfiddle.net/uKZ8N/

Basically, I set an interval of 0,5s which check the getBuffer() value. 基本上,我设置一个0.5s的间隔来检查getBuffer()值。

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