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[英]PHP select onchange not working

So i am creating <select id="VersionDropdown" onchange="change(this)"></select> inside of a php file that is then pulled into another php document via include tags. 因此,我在php文件中创建<select id="VersionDropdown" onchange="change(this)"></select> ,然后通过include标记将其拉入另一个php文档。 The problem that i am having is that onchange is never fired off. 我遇到的问题是onchange永远不会触发。 I have tried using jQuery.change() as well with no success. 我也尝试使用jQuery.change(),但没有成功。

I am using jQuery 1.9.1 我正在使用jQuery 1.9.1


    // Build the dropdown menu based on files on the server

    $dropdown = '<select id="VersionDropdown" onchange="change(this)">';
    $path = './myPath/';
    $blacklist = array('.', '..', 'SQL Files');

    foreach (new DirectoryIterator($path) as $root) {
        if($root->isDot()) continue;
        $path2 = $path . $root . '/';
        $MajorVersion = $root->getFilename();
        $MajorVersion = str_replace('v', 'Version ', $MajorVersion);
        if(fnmatch('Version 3.1', $MajorVersion)){ $MajorVersion = str_replace('Version', 'Analog Version', $MajorVersion); }
        //$versions[$MajorVersion] = array();
        $dropdown .= '<optgroup label="' .$MajorVersion. '">';

        foreach (new DirectoryIterator($path2) as $folder) {
            if($folder->isDot()) continue;

            $item = $folder->getFilename();
            //$versions[$MajorVersion][$item] = array();

            if ($handle = opendir($path2 . $item)) {
                while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
                    if (!in_array($file, $blacklist)) {
                        if(fnmatch("*.txt", $file)) {
                            $fileNew = str_replace('.txt', '', $file);
                            $versions[$MajorVersion][$item]['Version'] = $fileNew;
                            $dropdown .= '<option value="' .str_replace('Web', '', $item). '">' .$fileNew. '</option>';
                            $versions[$MajorVersion][$item][str_replace('.exe', '', $file)] = $file;
    $dropdown .= '</optgroup>';
    $dropdown .= '</select>';

    echo $dropdown;


<title>Test Script</title>
  <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />
  <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>

 function change(version){

$( document ).ready(function() {


    <?php include './php/version_dropdown.php'; ?>

version_download.php output: version_download.php输出:

<select id="VersionDropdown" onchange="change(this)">
    <optgroup label="Version 5.5">
        <option value="55249"></option>
        <option value="55225"></option>
        <option value="55205"></option>
        <option value="55183"></option>
        <option value="55163"></option>
        <option value="55141"></option>
        <option value="55122"></option>
        <option value="55106"></option>
    <optgroup label="Version 5.0">
        <option value="50016"></option>
        <option value="50018"></option>
        <option value="50022"></option>
        <option value="50024"></option>
        <option value="50284"></option>
        <option value="50304"></option>
        <option value="50321"></option>
        <option value="50343"></option>
        <option value="50403"></option>
    <optgroup label="Version 4.3">
        <option value="43062"></option>
        <option value="43064"></option>
        <option value="43066"></option>
    <optgroup label="Version 4.2">
    <optgroup label="Analog Version 3.1">

Have you tried something like this? 你尝试过这样的事情吗?

        if($(this).val() == "something") {
              //do something

Try this (Edited): 试试这个(编辑):

$("#VersionDropdown>optgroup>option").on('click', function(event) {

When you insert a element, after the document charged, you have to use the .on() or .live() function to make it work. 当您插入元素时,在文档收费后,您必须使用.on().live()函数使其起作用。

More information @ jQuery 更多信息@ jQuery

You're sending an object to the function onchange="change(this)" 您正在将对象发送到函数onchange="change(this)"

Change function to: 将功能更改为:

function change(version){

Or change the onchange to 将onchange更改为


jQuery not required for the above. 上面不需要jQuery。

NOTE only one of the changes above should be made. 注意仅应进行上述更改之一 If you make both you'll be errors 如果两者兼而有之,那就会出错

I inserted the output of your php code into the html source that you showed, giving me something that almost worked. 我将您的php代码的输出插入到您显示的html源中,这给了我几乎可行的东西。 All I then had to do was to write alert(version.value); 然后,我要做的就是编写alert(version.value); instead of alert(version); 而不是alert(version); , and I was in business. ,而我在经商。 I cannot understand why that does not work for you - please confirm that this works for you, or compare with the source code that you actually get from the server: 我不明白为什么这对您不起作用-请确认它对您有用,或者与您实际从服务器获取的源代码进行比较:

<title>Test Script</title>
  <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />
  <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>

 function change(version){
    alert(version.value);  // <<<<<<<< this line was changed >>>>>>>>>>>

$( document ).ready(function() {


<!-- <<<<<<<<<<<<<< inserted php generated code here as plain text >>>>>>>>>>>> -->
<select id="VersionDropdown" onchange="change(this)">
    <optgroup label="Version 5.5">
        <option value="55249"></option>
        <option value="55225"></option>
        <option value="55205"></option>
        <option value="55183"></option>
        <option value="55163"></option>
        <option value="55141"></option>
        <option value="55122"></option>
        <option value="55106"></option>
    <optgroup label="Version 5.0">
        <option value="50016"></option>
        <option value="50018"></option>
        <option value="50022"></option>
        <option value="50024"></option>
        <option value="50284"></option>
        <option value="50304"></option>
        <option value="50321"></option>
        <option value="50343"></option>
        <option value="50403"></option>
    <optgroup label="Version 4.3">
        <option value="43062"></option>
        <option value="43064"></option>
        <option value="43066"></option>
    <optgroup label="Version 4.2">
    <optgroup label="Analog Version 3.1">

Just one other observation (which I assume to be a typo; but maybe it's the source of your problem). 只是其他一个观察结果(我认为这是一个错别字;但这也许是您问题的根源)。 You are #include ing version_dropdown.php , but you call the file whose contents you are showing version_download.php . 您正在#include version_dropdown.php ,但是您调用了显示了version_download.php内容的文件。 Typo? 错别字? Or source of your problem... I have to believe it's a typo. 还是您问题的根源...我必须相信这是一个错字。

I figured it out finally. 我终于想通了。 For whatever reason CHROME was not firing the onchange event!. 无论出于何种原因,CHROME均未触发onchange事件!。 I restarted chrome and it all of a sudden started working. 我重新启动了chrome,然后突然开始工作了。 LAME. 瘸。

I have had random issues like this in the past where it seems like Chrome suddenly starts caching JS.. /facepalm 过去,我曾经遇到过类似的随机问题,好像Chrome突然开始缓存JS .. / facepalm

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