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OpenERP 7-由于缺少python依赖项而无法安装report_aeroo_ooo(Uno)

[英]OpenERP 7 - Can't install report_aeroo_ooo due to missing python dependencies (Uno)

I can't install report_aeroo_ooo in OpenERP 7 because there are some unmet python dependencies concerning the uno modules. 我无法在OpenERP 7中安装report_aeroo_ooo,因为关于uno模块存在一些未满足的python依赖关系。

Apparently, new versions of OpenOffice and LibreOffice come with a uno version for python 3 so you can't use it with python 2.7. 显然,新版本的OpenOffice和LibreOffice带有适用于python 3的uno版本,因此您不能在python 2.7中使用它。

I've researched a lot, tested a lot and tried older versions of OpenOffice with no success. 我已经做了很多研究,进行了很多测试,并尝试了较旧版本的OpenOffice,但均未成功。

I'm not a big expert in python. 我不是python的专家。 Is there any way we can use a python 3 module in python 2.7? 有什么方法可以在python 2.7中使用python 3模块吗?

Or has anyone been able to overcome this? 还是有人能够克服这个问题?

您需要从下面的命令下载uno Package这将解决您的问题。

sudo apt-get install python-uno

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