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Django QuerySet中的icontains不给出不区分大小写的结果?

[英]icontains in Django QuerySet doesn't give the case insensitive result?

I am using Django1.6, I am trying to use QuerySet filter, but it is behaving strangely. 我正在使用Django1.6,我正在尝试使用QuerySet过滤器,但它表现得很奇怪。

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

test_listing = Test.objects.filter(site__id=_site_id, show_on_site=True)

Then I am trying to get the listing based on the searched text: 然后我试图根据搜索到的文本获取列表:

test_listing = test_listing.filter(name__icontains = searched_text)

I am using MySQL as database for my project. 我使用MySQL作为我的项目的数据库。

When I search for 'foo' it returns a blank list, but when I search for 'FOO', it returns the list of objects where there is an entry of FOOBAR as a name in my Test table. 当我搜索'foo'时它会返回一个空白列表,但是当我搜索'FOO'时,它会返回在我的Test表中有一个FOOBAR条目作为名称的对象列表。

Why is it behaving so strangely...? 为什么它表现得那么奇怪......?

this is perhaps due to the mysql-db which you are using, may be your db table (name) column have the sql case-sensitive coollate 这可能是由于你正在使用的mysql-db ,可能是你的db表(name)列有sql区分大小写的coollat​​e

    col1 VARCHAR(5)
      CHARACTER SET latin1
      COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;

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