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[英]VB.Net with mySql issue?

I am Searching and Block registration for duplicate ID from mysql Database using VB.Net 2010. I have got: you have an error in your sql syntax.... 我正在使用VB.Net 2010从mysql数据库搜索和阻止注册以获取重复ID。我得到:您的sql语法有错误。

Please can you to help me in this? 请你能帮我这个忙吗? What will be the mistake i made? 我会犯什么错误? What will be the correct way? 正确的方法是什么?

Imports System.IO
Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlClient

    Public Class Add_Clients
        Private Sub CheckClient()
            Dim myquery As String = ""
            Dim mycmd As MySqlCommand

            myquery = "select * from clients where client_id=" & clid.Text
            mycmd = New MySqlCommand(myquery, con)
            Dim idno As Integer = mycmd.ExecuteNonQuery()

            If idno < 0 Then
      MsgBox("The Client is already Exist!", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Car Rental System")
            End If

        End Sub

Your query should be like this... 您的查询应该是这样的...

 myquery = "SELECT * FROM clients WHERE client_id='" & clid.Text.Replace("'","''").Trim() & "'"

The additional .Replace("'","''").Trim() should protect you from SQL injection. 附加的.Replace("'","''").Trim()应该可以防止SQL注入。 This should work for now... But you later have you use parametized queries to avoid SQL hacks :) So for now, practice SQL statements first. 这应该现在就可以使用。。。但是,稍后您可以使用参数化查询来避免SQL hack :)因此,现在,首先练习SQL语句。

You should use a parameterized query. 您应该使用参数化查询。 It simplifies the code while guarding against injection attacks. 它在防止注入攻击的同时简化了代码。

myquery = "select * from clients where client_id=@clid" 
**mycmd = New MySqlCommand(myquery, con)**
mycmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@clid", clid.Text);

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