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[英]How to convert .cpbitmap to readable image (png, jpg, jpeg…)

I like to convert an .cpbitmap file to an image format that can be displayed in UIImageView. 我喜欢将.cpbitmap文件转换为可以在UIImageView中显示的图像格式。 Is there a way to do this in Objective-C? 在Objective-C中有没有办法做到这一点? The app will run on jailbroken Devices, so thats not a big deal. 该应用程序将在越狱设备上运行,因此没什么大不了的。

Import private AppSupport.framework and declare this 导入私有AppSupport.framework并声明此

CFArrayRef CPBitmapCreateImagesFromData(CFDataRef cpbitmap, void*, int, void*);

This function will return an array of CGImageRef objects. 此函数将返回CGImageRef对象的数组。 First argument is data from .cpbitmap file. 第一个参数是.cpbitmap文件中的数据。 Other arguments are unknown to me (one of them is probably CFAllocatorRef ) so I checked how iOS calls this function and used the same values. 其他参数对我来说是未知的(其中一个可能是CFAllocatorRef ),因此我检查了iOS如何调用此函数并使用了相同的值。 Here is how I did it 这是我做的

CPBitmapCreateImagesFromData([NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:@"LockBackground.cpbitmap"], NULL, 1, NULL);

I also wanted to convert HomeBackground.cpbitmap / LockBackground.cpbitmap from Library/Springboard. 我还想从Library / Springboard转换HomeBackground.cpbitmap / LockBackground.cpbitmap。

The following worked for me: @creker: Thank you! 以下为我工作:@creker:谢谢!

CFArrayRef CPBitmapCreateImagesFromData(CFDataRef cpbitmap, void*, int, void*);
CFArrayRef someArrayRef = CPBitmapCreateImagesFromData((__bridge CFDataRef)([NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"LockBackground" ofType:@"cpbitmap"]]), NULL, 1, NULL);
NSArray *array = (__bridge NSArray*)someArrayRef;
UIImage *test = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:(__bridge CGImageRef)(array[0])];

I added a breakpoint after the last line and extracted the image with XCode -> test -> Preview. 我在最后一行之后添加了一个断点,并使用XCode-> test-> Preview提取了图像。

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